Founded in 1982, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) documents and promotes Filipino American history through its archives, conferences, books, programs, films, art, and more. This blog is linked to and curated by Dr. JoanMay T. Cordova, FANHS National President Emerita 2007-2011. * See also @fanhs_national on Twitter and Instagram plus other FANHS Chapters' IG accounts and pages on Facebook * With love @ForCommunities, ~Joanie
Thursday, December 9, 2021
#FANHS2022 Call for Proposals - now due February 1, 2022! Extended deadline :-)
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
Let’s make #LarryItliong become the first Filipino American to be recognized on a US First Class Forever Stamp! #LarryItliongForever via @alfsal on IG
See also
Friday, October 29, 2021
Updates: FANHS Pennsylvania / FANHS PA's 14th annual #FAHM party 31! Must read Filipino Executive Council of Greater Philadelphia (FECGP) President Roman Ventura's FAHM message
Sunday, October 24, 2021
#FANHS PA supports "Hope and Harmony," Philippine Folk Arts Society, Inc./PFASI's Rondalla Concert, 28 October, 7 pm EST
Join FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter's (FANHSpa) 14th annual Filipino American History Month celebration, 31 October, 4-5 pm, EST
Made with Visme
Please join us on 31 October 2021 at 4pm EST. FANHS PA Chapter organizers are planning another fun party - our 14th annual #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth event - that will once again combine teaching/learning history with memorable performances in a total celebration of our communities. Previous FANHS events have drawn friends from diverse organizations in the Greater Philadelphia region including yours. (Search the archives on this blog for lots of photos and reports : ) Behind the scenes and on camera, you'll find: *Kim Barroso, FANHS PA President and choir director and liturgist at St. Augustine Church, Philadelphia - will be welcoming all. *Marife Domingo, a community leader/organizer with too many organizations to list ;) is organizing special performances you won't want to miss. *JoanMay Cordova, (aka Tita/Ate'/Auntie Joanie ) - who works @ForCommunities everywhere - will be moderating discussions of video clips that highlight #FAHM2021 activities from various FANHS chapters and other organizations. *Roman Ventura, FISDU alum and current - and youngest ever - President of the Filipino Executive Council of Greater Philadelphia (FECG) will be doing tech.Wednesday, October 20, 2021
Tuesday, October 19, 2021
Google features link to #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth resources!
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
October is #FilipinoAmericanHistoryMonth! For #FAHM2021 activities, see @FANHS_national on all social media and this link
Monday, July 19, 2021
@FANHS_PA to host film screening + discussion with Dr. Judy Patacsil: "Silent Sacrifices: Voices of the Filipino American Family," on 21 August 2021 @ 3 pm EST
Monday, July 5, 2021
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Evangeline "Vangie" Canonizado Buell, @FANHS_national President Emerita, spoke @FilipinaWomen's Network - 25 June 2021
Sunday, June 13, 2021
Updated thanks to all who joined @FANHS_PA's virtual party on June 19, 2021

Thursday, June 3, 2021
@FANHS_national founder Dorothy Laigo Cordova interviewed by @ChrisDaniels5 @King5Seattle
Wednesday, May 26, 2021
Happy 1-year Anniversary to "FANHS Now!" organized by @FANHShr Hampton Roads Chapter, Virginia
Friday, April 30, 2021
Monday, March 8, 2021
@FANHS_national founder/director Dorothy L. Cordova in @SeattleAAFF Seattle Asian American Film Festival short documentary by @RamonDompor
Monday, March 1, 2021
Oral History workshop with @FANHS_National President @EmilyLawsin 6 March 2021
Sunday, January 24, 2021
Thanks to Devin Cabanilla @devcabano of @FANHS_seattle for photos
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Learn more about FANHS Metropolitan New York Chapter @fanhsmny
Wednesday, January 6, 2021
FANHS Houston Chapter (Texas): "HEAR NOW: Filipinx Voices FANHS-HTX Town Hall 01OCT20" @fanhshtx
FANHS NOW Session #7 for Filipino American History Month 2020...October 29, 2020
Seattle Pinoys....sons of the Manongs of the 1920s and 30s...share their Vietnam War experiences after 50 years of silence. Thank you for your service. Thank you for upholding the Pinoy legacy of respect, honor and love of country and community created in spite of the harsh racism and discrimination endured by our fathers and uncles who came to America in the the 1920s and 30s. Mahalz.FANHS Santa Clara Chapter (California): "Kuwentuhan Ng Kalsada: If Our Streets Could Talk" 10/03/2020
Sunday, January 3, 2021
FANHS Journal (Vol 10, 2020) is now online!
Via @fanhs_national on Twitter
We are excited to share our first issue of the FANHS Journal (Vol 10, 2020) under new co-editors, Dr. Terese Guinsatao Monberg & Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao. Special issue honors legacy of Dr. #GilPilapil Available for free at http://
More about the journal via @EmilyLawsin, #FANHSnational President, on Instagram
MT @fanhs_national We are excited to share the latest issue of the FANHS Journal (Vol 10, 2020) under its new co-editors, #FANHS Trustees, Dr. Terese Guinsatao Monberg and Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao. @patriciahalagao This Special Issue, "Collaborating with our Ancestors," pays tribute to the memory and work of our previous editor, Virgilio R. Pilapil, MD, (1938 - 2019), who edited the journal for 25 years. The editors highlight Gil's enduring legacy as a community-based historian and editor in shaping the FANHS Journal and FANHS research more broadly. By analyzing Gilʻs work across place and time, the editors hope to use this issue as a model for the kinds of content they are looking for in the future. We hope you will join us in continuing the legacy of FANHS Journal Editor, Virgilio Pilapil, M.D.
Due to the generosity of FANHS National and other donors, we are able to make this Special issue freely available. Please download a PDF copy of the journal or click on E-publication book. A limited number of hard copies are available for purchase for $25 + mailing costs. For more information and publication guidelines, contact Please help us promote FANHS and the FANHS Journal by sharing widely.
The FANHS Journal is an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal published by FANHS. The journal is published biennially (one volume every other year) with the aim to eventually publish one volume every year. The goal of the journal is to promote the mission of FANHS by publishing, disseminating, and promoting research related to Filipino American history. The journal publishes research by community-based and academic historians as well as personal histories. It is looking to expand its genres and dialogues through new journal sections like "Collaborating with Our Ancestors" where there are intergenerational conversations between authors of today and classic pieces.
Available at
Big congrats and many thanks to @FANHShtx for hosting a #FANHStastic 20th biennial @fanhs_national conference #fanhs2024!
Please see more via all @fanhs_national @FANHShtx + social media accounts for #FANHSChapters as well as hashtags #fanhs2024 See more pic...

Just search the hashtags and social media handles (of ALL the FANHS Chapters) to learn more about how @FANHS_national's #FilipinoAmerica...
We're excited that Filipino American Studies is growing on the East Coast! At the 12th biennial conference of FANHS in Anchorage, Alaska...
As a non-profit organization run 100% by volunteers - including the FANHS Executive Director and FANHS national archivist - the Filipino Ame...