Pictured here during the FANHS NY reorganizational meeting on August 14, 2009 are: Charisse Joan Sangat Santayana, Carlos Tabaco, Jackie Bleza Tabaco Ted Martinez Lorial Crowder Rose-Ann Ubarra-Cunanan, Julman Arevalo Tolentino, Joey Tabaco, Bonnibel Fonbuena, FANHS National Secretary Ronald Buenaventura, Kevin Nadal, Marie-Therese C. Sulit, Danilo Sulit, FANHS New Jersey Chapter President Nestor Enriquez For Filipino American History Month, FANHS NY will be co-sponsoring a book reading for Kevin Nadal's new book, Filipino American Psychology http://www.authorhouse.com/Bookstore/ItemDetail.aspx?bookid=60777
FANHS Midwest Chapter
Conference Theme: “The Filipino American Experience in Ohio and Other Midwestern States”
October 16-18, 2009 (Friday-Sunday)
At University Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, 3110 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH Filipino American National Historical Society. To submit proposals, contact: Dr. Felicisima Serafica <fserafica@hotmail.com>, Fran Alayu Womack: tefalayu@hotmail.com, Dr. Virgilio R. Pilapil: gilpini47@yahoo.com orP.E. Kiram: pekiram@uwm.edu
FANHS Wisconsin Chapter
In Commemoration of Filipino American History Month
the Milwaukee Public Museum & FANHS Wisconsin Chapter, will celebrate the centennial of the purchase of morethan 400 Philippine Artifacts from the l904 St. Louis World Exposition. This is the first time many of these artifacts will be seen by the public. FANHS WI will show photos, films, stories, performances, and a Pintig Excerpt of "Alamat," an award winning play of a family whose Igorot ancestor was one of the "exhibits" at the Philippine Village at the World's Fair.
October 9 & 10, 2009
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Free with Museum Admission
For more information: Angeli Varona: atvarona@yahoo.com P. E.Kiram: pekiram@uwm.edu
FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter
FANHS PA will hold its 2nd Annual Filipino American History Month banquet at 6 pm on Friday, October 23, 2009 at the H.K. Golden Phoenix Restaurant @ 911-913 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. (It's the same place we celebrated last year!) For more information, contact:
FANHSPA@gmail.com or call Kim Barroso, FANHS PA President: 713.501.3463
FANHS San Francisco Bay Area Consortium
On Sunday, October 4, 2009, FANHS SF Bay Area Consortium will host "CELEBRATING 422 YEARS: FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, CA. Please see complete information here: http://www.asianart.org/filamhistory.htm as well as the Facebook Event page http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=111940028020
...other news to be added soon!!