Some friends have asked for quick information to make an end of the year donation to FANHS:
Please make checks payable to: FANHS
Mail to:
810 - 18th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
To download the full fundraising letter and donation form, please scroll to next post on this blog:
For a very touching, personal reflection that truly highlights the value of FANHS, please see the current blog by FANHS National Trustee Emily P. Lawsin:
With much appreciation and hope for the new year,
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova, FANHS National President
Founded in 1982, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) documents and promotes Filipino American history through its archives, conferences, books, programs, films, art, and more. This blog is linked to and curated by Dr. JoanMay T. Cordova, FANHS National President Emerita 2007-2011. * See also @fanhs_national on Twitter and Instagram plus other FANHS Chapters' IG accounts and pages on Facebook * With love @ForCommunities, ~Joanie
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Support FANHS for "the next generation" !
Please click box in upper right corner of document to enlarge. Fundraising 12 14 08r
Dear friends,
Through the generous support of donors and volunteers —including our full time volunteers and cofounders, Drs. Dorothy & Fred Cordova, FANHS Executive Director and Archivist — the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) has gathered and promoted Filipino American history through publications,public programs, films, and artistic expressions for more than 25 years. During this holiday season, we hope that you will include FANHS in your charitable giving so that FANHS might continue to promote Filipino American history for “the next generations.”
When communities throughout the nation celebrate Filipino American History Month each October, it is because FANHS launched the very first Filipino American History Month events in 1988, with a resolution that’s been officially adopted in the state of Virginia and elsewhere. Just this past season, events held by some of the 28 FANHS Chapters included a documentary film premiere in Sonoma (CA), book launches with jazz in Berkeley (CA), a film festival in Vallejo (CA), a collaborative museum exhibit in New Mexico, a symposium in Portland (OR), and a nationally recognized speaker’s banquet in Philadelphia (PA). FANHS Hampton Roads (VA) published two oral history collections through a unique intergenerational collaboration between high school student groups, professional organizations, community elders, professors, local leaders.
Filmmakers , writers, scholars, artists, students, elders have used the thousands of artifacts —print materials, oral histories, photographs, and other memorabilia —housed in the FANHS National Archives in Seattle, Washington. You’ve seen FANHS photos and documents on book covers, in multimedia curricula, in films, in museums, and in the Smithsonian’s current traveling exhibit, “Singgalot: The Ties that Bind.”
Generations have also been inspired by the 12 biennial national FANHS conferences that draw from 300 - 600 plus participants to memorable panels, films, authors’ receptions, awards banquets, and historic tours. At our 2008 conference, the Governor of Alaska proclaimed, “Thelma Buchholdt Day” in honor of three-term FANHS President and state legislator from Anchorage, Alaska.
FANHS is one of the few national conferences that subsidizes the registration of youth participants.
Many “former FANHS youth” are now in leadership positions where they’re making a positive impact in academic institutions, in their own businesses and communities, and as young political leaders.
Now, more than ever before, FANHS — that’s always run on a slim budget managed by volunteer staff — needs your support to continue its work. We are asking you to preserve and promote Filipino American history by making a financial contribution to FANHS. Today. We would appreciate a gift of any size. We know that these are challenging financial times. Yet gifts of membership to FANHS are always welcome as meaningful (and “green” :-) gifts for the holidays, as well as for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. Donations to FANHS also express a special way of honoring the memory of loved ones.
Your tax-deductible donations to FANHS will support:
*The FANHS National Archives in Seattle, perhaps the most extensive collection of oral histories, photographs, and historical documents on Filipino Americans in the United States, needs to preserve its growing archival collection (where the need for an additional room has increased rent). We hope to eventually digitize materials to include collections in the “satellite archives” of its 28 FANHS Chapters.
*Youth interns and researchers are needed to work with the FANHS National Office.
*The proposed FANHS Filipino American National Museum, a Filipino American cultural and youth center in the historic “Little Manila” neighborhood of Stockton (CA), is a collaborative project of Stockton’s Little Manila Foundation and FANHS.
We hope you will give generously to FANHS this season.
With appreciation and hope,
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
FANHS National President
Dear friends,
Through the generous support of donors and volunteers —including our full time volunteers and cofounders, Drs. Dorothy & Fred Cordova, FANHS Executive Director and Archivist — the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) has gathered and promoted Filipino American history through publications,public programs, films, and artistic expressions for more than 25 years. During this holiday season, we hope that you will include FANHS in your charitable giving so that FANHS might continue to promote Filipino American history for “the next generations.”
When communities throughout the nation celebrate Filipino American History Month each October, it is because FANHS launched the very first Filipino American History Month events in 1988, with a resolution that’s been officially adopted in the state of Virginia and elsewhere. Just this past season, events held by some of the 28 FANHS Chapters included a documentary film premiere in Sonoma (CA), book launches with jazz in Berkeley (CA), a film festival in Vallejo (CA), a collaborative museum exhibit in New Mexico, a symposium in Portland (OR), and a nationally recognized speaker’s banquet in Philadelphia (PA). FANHS Hampton Roads (VA) published two oral history collections through a unique intergenerational collaboration between high school student groups, professional organizations, community elders, professors, local leaders.
Filmmakers , writers, scholars, artists, students, elders have used the thousands of artifacts —print materials, oral histories, photographs, and other memorabilia —housed in the FANHS National Archives in Seattle, Washington. You’ve seen FANHS photos and documents on book covers, in multimedia curricula, in films, in museums, and in the Smithsonian’s current traveling exhibit, “Singgalot: The Ties that Bind.”
Generations have also been inspired by the 12 biennial national FANHS conferences that draw from 300 - 600 plus participants to memorable panels, films, authors’ receptions, awards banquets, and historic tours. At our 2008 conference, the Governor of Alaska proclaimed, “Thelma Buchholdt Day” in honor of three-term FANHS President and state legislator from Anchorage, Alaska.
FANHS is one of the few national conferences that subsidizes the registration of youth participants.
Many “former FANHS youth” are now in leadership positions where they’re making a positive impact in academic institutions, in their own businesses and communities, and as young political leaders.
Now, more than ever before, FANHS — that’s always run on a slim budget managed by volunteer staff — needs your support to continue its work. We are asking you to preserve and promote Filipino American history by making a financial contribution to FANHS. Today. We would appreciate a gift of any size. We know that these are challenging financial times. Yet gifts of membership to FANHS are always welcome as meaningful (and “green” :-) gifts for the holidays, as well as for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. Donations to FANHS also express a special way of honoring the memory of loved ones.
Your tax-deductible donations to FANHS will support:
*The FANHS National Archives in Seattle, perhaps the most extensive collection of oral histories, photographs, and historical documents on Filipino Americans in the United States, needs to preserve its growing archival collection (where the need for an additional room has increased rent). We hope to eventually digitize materials to include collections in the “satellite archives” of its 28 FANHS Chapters.
*Youth interns and researchers are needed to work with the FANHS National Office.
*The proposed FANHS Filipino American National Museum, a Filipino American cultural and youth center in the historic “Little Manila” neighborhood of Stockton (CA), is a collaborative project of Stockton’s Little Manila Foundation and FANHS.
We hope you will give generously to FANHS this season.
With appreciation and hope,
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
FANHS National President
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter & TUPAC film screening @ Temple University, Philadelphia
LATEST UPDATE, December 16, 2008: Here are photos from this most successful event!
[Please click on image for full screen view. Copy/paste links.]

At the world premiere of "The Great Pinoy Boxing Era" at the 1994 FANHS National Conference in San Francisco, an enthusiastic crowd gave producer/director Corky Pasquil of FANHS LA Chapter a standing ovation.
Directors of "Little Manila: Filipinos in California's Heartland" worked closely with FANHS Stockton Chapter members as well as consultants from the Little Manila Foundation. Professor Dawn Mabalon, FANHS National Trustee, is interviewed in the video.
[Please click on image for full screen view. Copy/paste links.]
At the world premiere of "The Great Pinoy Boxing Era" at the 1994 FANHS National Conference in San Francisco, an enthusiastic crowd gave producer/director Corky Pasquil of FANHS LA Chapter a standing ovation.
Directors of "Little Manila: Filipinos in California's Heartland" worked closely with FANHS Stockton Chapter members as well as consultants from the Little Manila Foundation. Professor Dawn Mabalon, FANHS National Trustee, is interviewed in the video.
Monday, December 1, 2008
FANHS Wisconsin Chapter Receives Award
As a FANHS National Trustee and President of FANHS Wisconsin Chapter, P.Emraida Kiram wrote:
"Attached is the award FANHS WI received for its participation this weekend at the International Holiday Folk Fair, presenting "Textiles from the Philippines". I will prepare a more comprehensive report when the photos are ready. The FANHS WI chapter is still euphoric, since this is its FIRST participation, and did not realize there were awards. 2008 is the Holiday Folk Fair's 65th Year.
I scanned the image so everyone can see their accomplishments. Great
team work! As Mrs. Durtka said, "I did not give it to you, you earned
it!" (With a smile and a hug). Happy Thanksgiving to you all! We earned
it and as Kuya Ernie mentioned, "Round One" Ding!"
Thanks for great news, Emraida. And...
"Attached is the award FANHS WI received for its participation this weekend at the International Holiday Folk Fair, presenting "Textiles from the Philippines". I will prepare a more comprehensive report when the photos are ready. The FANHS WI chapter is still euphoric, since this is its FIRST participation, and did not realize there were awards. 2008 is the Holiday Folk Fair's 65th Year.
I scanned the image so everyone can see their accomplishments. Great
team work! As Mrs. Durtka said, "I did not give it to you, you earned
it!" (With a smile and a hug). Happy Thanksgiving to you all! We earned
it and as Kuya Ernie mentioned, "Round One" Ding!"
Thanks for great news, Emraida. And...

Monday, November 17, 2008
FANHS Rio Grande Chapter's collaborative project
If you're in New Mexico, please visit this new exhibit on the Manila Galleon Trade at the National Hispanic Cultural Center. FANHS Rio Grande Chapter is one of the sponsoring organizations. FANHS National Trustee Dely Alcantara writes:
"The opening for the Manila Galleon Trade exhibit is November 8th. Attached is the brochure announcing the exhibit. The National Hispanic Cultural Center is very excited about this collaboration with the Filipino community in New Mexico. The curator and I are hoping to leverage this to a major exhibit, lecture series, and cultural exchange between the Philippines, Mexico and New Mexico in conjunction with 2012 Centennial of NM statehood.
Please circulate widely.
Thank you very much.
Recent update: The November 8th opening reception for this exhibit was a huge success! While 50 people are generally expected at historical exhibits such as these, organizers prepared Filipino and Mexican food for 100 people. FANHS Trustee Dely Alacantara reported that more than 200 people attended the opening reception!!
CONGRATULATIONS to FANHS Rio Grande Chapter and all the sponsoring organizations

"The opening for the Manila Galleon Trade exhibit is November 8th. Attached is the brochure announcing the exhibit. The National Hispanic Cultural Center is very excited about this collaboration with the Filipino community in New Mexico. The curator and I are hoping to leverage this to a major exhibit, lecture series, and cultural exchange between the Philippines, Mexico and New Mexico in conjunction with 2012 Centennial of NM statehood.
Please circulate widely.
Thank you very much.
Recent update: The November 8th opening reception for this exhibit was a huge success! While 50 people are generally expected at historical exhibits such as these, organizers prepared Filipino and Mexican food for 100 people. FANHS Trustee Dely Alacantara reported that more than 200 people attended the opening reception!!
CONGRATULATIONS to FANHS Rio Grande Chapter and all the sponsoring organizations

Saturday, November 8, 2008
Reflections on Filipino American History Month, 2008
As FANHS begins its 26th year during this season of hopeful new beginnings, I'll share some reflections on Filipino American History Month -- a concept that FANHS created in 1988.
On the first of October in 2008, Barack Obama wrote: "I appreciate the opportunity to join the Filipino American National Historical Society and its
friends in celebrating Filipino American History Month. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to honor the values and traditions of Filipino Americans, and your role in the story of America..." The complete letter written by President Elect Obama may be found here:
FANHS Stockton (CA) Chapter
Terri Torres wrote:
"October was a great month for Stockton FANHS - we had exhibits at the local library, participated in the lobby display for the play "The Romance of Magno Rubio" - a great play, by the way! We also co-sponsored a symposium about Carlos Bulosan with Dawn Mabalon and a booksigning of Riz Raymundo's "Tomorrow's Memories" - both at the library. We also participated in Pleasanton's first Filipino American History month event - showing the PBS doc "Little Manila", and met with students from Berkeley at the Daguhoy Lodge and spoke a little about our history, again, with Dawn and others from the Little Manila Foundation. We also held our annual FANHS Stockton Community Recognition Awards, for the 9th year, and honored 5 Filipino Americans for their contributions to the Stockton area. They were Raquel "Nancy" Andres, Gloria Carido Nomura, Pilar Reynon, Tony Somera, and posthumously, Larry Itliong. Each chapter pres should have gotten our October newsletter with a little info about each honoree. It turned out very well! This is also a fundraiser for our chapter expenses. It's been a busy month!"

FANHS East Bay (Berkeley - Oakland, CA) Chapter
A message from Vangie Buell, FANHS East Bay Chapter & FANHS National Vice President:
"We have been extremely busy especially in the planning of the launching of our book Filipinos in the East Bay which was launched at International House at UC Berkeley on Sept 25 (about 300 attended) and it was a multi-media event with "Little Brown Brothers" Jazz band, folk singers, and spoken word poets, along with our power point presentation of the exciting event. Of course lots of food."
FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter
FANHS PA officers -- the youngest of our FANHS national network of 28 chapters -- organized a successful first Filipino American history (ten course :-) banquet with more than 100 guests on October 17. The inspiring event featured guest speaker Juanita Tamayo Lott (of Washington, DC) and drew community leaders from St. Augustine Church Choir, Asian Americans United (AAU), Filipino Executive Council of Greater Philadelphia (FECGP --24 orgs), Philippine Folk Arts Society (PFASI), Drexel University's School of Ed & Multicultural Collaborative, Asian Arts Initiative (AAI), Asian American Women's Coalition (AAWC), Scribe Video Center, OCA Philly Chapter, MUTYA, FISDU, TUPAC, University of Maryland College Park, and Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition (SEAMAAC). Cheers to all who attended, volunteered, donated raffle and silent auction prizes. Whoo-hoo! Thanks to David Lee who took the 435 great photos posted here:
FANHS Vallejo (CA)Chapter
Filipino American Film Festival
October 18 & 19 - Vallejo, California
sponsored by
The Filipino American National Historical Society and Seafood City

The featured film on October 18: "Little Manila: Filipinos in California's Heartland." Produced and directed by Emmy Award winning film-maker, Marissa Aroy
Also featured: "Strange Land ," produced and directed by Emmy Award winning film-maker Stephanie Castillo.
"Broken Promises," by Kabataang maka-Bayan USA . It is a film about the plight of Filipino WWII veterans and the impact of the US Government's Recission Act;
"Arkiteknik," a film about emerging Filipino American fashion and design by Anthony Legarda; and
"Balikbayan (Homebound)," by Larilyn Sanchez and Riza Manalo, about one woman's last journey back home to the Philippines.
"The Gift of Barong: A Journey from Within," by Dan Moreno and Benito Bautista. The film won Best Cinematography at the New York International Film Festival.
"The Great Pinoy Boxing Era," directed and produced by Corky Pasquil.
The third featured film is the award-winning film, "The Fall of the I-Hotel," by Curtis Choy.
Featured short films included:
"Lolo's Present," by local film-maker Eli Africa, and
"Little Brown Man," by Howie Severino.
These are just a few of the Filipino American History Month activities sponsored by FANHS Chapters throughout the US. There are so many more. For most of us involved in FANHS, each month brings opportunities for gathering, creating, and promoting Filipino American history.
Please join us!
Dr. Joan May Timtiman Cordova
FANHS National President
On the first of October in 2008, Barack Obama wrote: "I appreciate the opportunity to join the Filipino American National Historical Society and its
friends in celebrating Filipino American History Month. This celebration is a wonderful opportunity to honor the values and traditions of Filipino Americans, and your role in the story of America..." The complete letter written by President Elect Obama may be found here:
FANHS Stockton (CA) Chapter
Terri Torres wrote:
"October was a great month for Stockton FANHS - we had exhibits at the local library, participated in the lobby display for the play "The Romance of Magno Rubio" - a great play, by the way! We also co-sponsored a symposium about Carlos Bulosan with Dawn Mabalon and a booksigning of Riz Raymundo's "Tomorrow's Memories" - both at the library. We also participated in Pleasanton's first Filipino American History month event - showing the PBS doc "Little Manila", and met with students from Berkeley at the Daguhoy Lodge and spoke a little about our history, again, with Dawn and others from the Little Manila Foundation. We also held our annual FANHS Stockton Community Recognition Awards, for the 9th year, and honored 5 Filipino Americans for their contributions to the Stockton area. They were Raquel "Nancy" Andres, Gloria Carido Nomura, Pilar Reynon, Tony Somera, and posthumously, Larry Itliong. Each chapter pres should have gotten our October newsletter with a little info about each honoree. It turned out very well! This is also a fundraiser for our chapter expenses. It's been a busy month!"

FANHS East Bay (Berkeley - Oakland, CA) Chapter
A message from Vangie Buell, FANHS East Bay Chapter & FANHS National Vice President:
"We have been extremely busy especially in the planning of the launching of our book Filipinos in the East Bay which was launched at International House at UC Berkeley on Sept 25 (about 300 attended) and it was a multi-media event with "Little Brown Brothers" Jazz band, folk singers, and spoken word poets, along with our power point presentation of the exciting event. Of course lots of food."
FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter
FANHS PA officers -- the youngest of our FANHS national network of 28 chapters -- organized a successful first Filipino American history (ten course :-) banquet with more than 100 guests on October 17. The inspiring event featured guest speaker Juanita Tamayo Lott (of Washington, DC) and drew community leaders from St. Augustine Church Choir, Asian Americans United (AAU), Filipino Executive Council of Greater Philadelphia (FECGP --24 orgs), Philippine Folk Arts Society (PFASI), Drexel University's School of Ed & Multicultural Collaborative, Asian Arts Initiative (AAI), Asian American Women's Coalition (AAWC), Scribe Video Center, OCA Philly Chapter, MUTYA, FISDU, TUPAC, University of Maryland College Park, and Southeast Asian Mutual Assistance Associations Coalition (SEAMAAC). Cheers to all who attended, volunteered, donated raffle and silent auction prizes. Whoo-hoo! Thanks to David Lee who took the 435 great photos posted here:
FANHS Vallejo (CA)Chapter
Filipino American Film Festival
October 18 & 19 - Vallejo, California
sponsored by
The Filipino American National Historical Society and Seafood City

The featured film on October 18: "Little Manila: Filipinos in California's Heartland." Produced and directed by Emmy Award winning film-maker, Marissa Aroy
Also featured: "Strange Land ," produced and directed by Emmy Award winning film-maker Stephanie Castillo.
"Broken Promises," by Kabataang maka-Bayan USA . It is a film about the plight of Filipino WWII veterans and the impact of the US Government's Recission Act;
"Arkiteknik," a film about emerging Filipino American fashion and design by Anthony Legarda; and
"Balikbayan (Homebound)," by Larilyn Sanchez and Riza Manalo, about one woman's last journey back home to the Philippines.
"The Gift of Barong: A Journey from Within," by Dan Moreno and Benito Bautista. The film won Best Cinematography at the New York International Film Festival.
"The Great Pinoy Boxing Era," directed and produced by Corky Pasquil.
The third featured film is the award-winning film, "The Fall of the I-Hotel," by Curtis Choy.
Featured short films included:
"Lolo's Present," by local film-maker Eli Africa, and
"Little Brown Man," by Howie Severino.
These are just a few of the Filipino American History Month activities sponsored by FANHS Chapters throughout the US. There are so many more. For most of us involved in FANHS, each month brings opportunities for gathering, creating, and promoting Filipino American history.
Please join us!
Dr. Joan May Timtiman Cordova
FANHS National President
Monday, September 29, 2008
Filipino American History Month: FANHS Resolution from 1991
The following resolution, ratified by FANHS Trustees in 1991, created Filipino American History Month.
Please let us know of the Filipino American History Month activities in your communities.
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
FANHS National President
810 18th AVENUE, ROOM 100, SEATTLE, WA 98122 (206) 322-0203
A Resolution
WHEREAS, the Filipino American National Historical Society had declared the Year 1988 to be the 225th Anniversary of the Permanent Settlement of Filipinos in the Continental United States and had set into motion its year-long, national observance in order to focus on the story of our nation's past from a new perspective by concentrating on the critically economic, cultural, social and other notable contributions Filipino Americans had made in countless ways toward the development of United States History; and
WHEREAS, efforts must continue to promote the study of Filipino American history and culture, so mandated in the mission statement of the Filipino American National Historical Society, because the role of Filipino Americans and those of other People of Color have been overlooked in the writings, teachings and learnings of United States History; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative for Filipino American youths to have positive role models and to instill in them the importance of education, complemented with the richness of their ethnicity and the values of their legacy; and
WHEREAS, the earliest documented proof of Filipino presence in the Continental United States falls on October 1587, more recently published by Lorraine Jacobs Crouchett in her book, Filipinos in California (1982), annotating John Walton Caughey in his book, California (1953), and that definitive dates of written landings on the shores of California have been recorded with the earliest on October 18, 1587, according to Crouchett, annotating H.R. Wagner's Unamuno's Voyage to California in 1587 in the Quarterly of the California Historical Society (July 1923), among others;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Trustees of the Filipino American National Historical Society establish Filipino American History Month and that it be observed annually and nationally throughout the United States and its Territories during the Month of October, commencing in the Year 1992 to mark the 405th Anniversary of the Presence of Filipinos in the Continental United States as a significant time to study the advancement of Filipino Americans in the history of the United States, as a favorable time of celebration, remembrance, reflection and motivation, and as a relevant time to renew more efforts towards research, examination and promulgation of Filipino American history and culture in order to provide an opportunity for all Americans to learn and appreciate more about Filipino Americans and their historic contributions to our nation, these United States of America.###
*Authorized and introduced by Trustee FRED CORDOVA, Founding President.
*Moved for its adoption by Trustee LOREA ACUSZAAR; and seconded by Trustee STEVE K. OH.
*Unanimously adopted also by Trustees PETER M. JAMERO, KAREN N. JOHNSTONE, treasurer, Dr. TETSUDEN KASHIMA, NANCY ORDONA KOSLOSKY, and LOURDES CERENO MARKLEY, secretary, in a special meeting of Trustees, presided by President TERESA ROMERO JAMERO and arranged by Executive Director DOROTHY LAIGO CORDOVA, on February 15, 1991, in Seattle.
*Submitted to the remaining Trustees for ratification on March 16, 1991.
Please let us know of the Filipino American History Month activities in your communities.
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
FANHS National President
810 18th AVENUE, ROOM 100, SEATTLE, WA 98122 (206) 322-0203
A Resolution
WHEREAS, the Filipino American National Historical Society had declared the Year 1988 to be the 225th Anniversary of the Permanent Settlement of Filipinos in the Continental United States and had set into motion its year-long, national observance in order to focus on the story of our nation's past from a new perspective by concentrating on the critically economic, cultural, social and other notable contributions Filipino Americans had made in countless ways toward the development of United States History; and
WHEREAS, efforts must continue to promote the study of Filipino American history and culture, so mandated in the mission statement of the Filipino American National Historical Society, because the role of Filipino Americans and those of other People of Color have been overlooked in the writings, teachings and learnings of United States History; and
WHEREAS, it is imperative for Filipino American youths to have positive role models and to instill in them the importance of education, complemented with the richness of their ethnicity and the values of their legacy; and
WHEREAS, the earliest documented proof of Filipino presence in the Continental United States falls on October 1587, more recently published by Lorraine Jacobs Crouchett in her book, Filipinos in California (1982), annotating John Walton Caughey in his book, California (1953), and that definitive dates of written landings on the shores of California have been recorded with the earliest on October 18, 1587, according to Crouchett, annotating H.R. Wagner's Unamuno's Voyage to California in 1587 in the Quarterly of the California Historical Society (July 1923), among others;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Trustees of the Filipino American National Historical Society establish Filipino American History Month and that it be observed annually and nationally throughout the United States and its Territories during the Month of October, commencing in the Year 1992 to mark the 405th Anniversary of the Presence of Filipinos in the Continental United States as a significant time to study the advancement of Filipino Americans in the history of the United States, as a favorable time of celebration, remembrance, reflection and motivation, and as a relevant time to renew more efforts towards research, examination and promulgation of Filipino American history and culture in order to provide an opportunity for all Americans to learn and appreciate more about Filipino Americans and their historic contributions to our nation, these United States of America.###
*Authorized and introduced by Trustee FRED CORDOVA, Founding President.
*Moved for its adoption by Trustee LOREA ACUSZAAR; and seconded by Trustee STEVE K. OH.
*Unanimously adopted also by Trustees PETER M. JAMERO, KAREN N. JOHNSTONE, treasurer, Dr. TETSUDEN KASHIMA, NANCY ORDONA KOSLOSKY, and LOURDES CERENO MARKLEY, secretary, in a special meeting of Trustees, presided by President TERESA ROMERO JAMERO and arranged by Executive Director DOROTHY LAIGO CORDOVA, on February 15, 1991, in Seattle.
*Submitted to the remaining Trustees for ratification on March 16, 1991.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
FANHS PA Banquet: Tickets available now!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Juanita Tamayo-Lott to speak at FANHS PA Banquet, October 17
Please save the date and join us - October 17, 2008 - for the FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter's Banquet for Filipino American History Month, to be held at 6 pm at the H.K. Golden Phoenix Restaurant @ 911-913 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Tickets are $35 each. To purchase tickets, contact: FANHS or call Kim Barroso, FANHS PA President, 713.501.3463 or Brad Baldia, FANHS National Trustee, 215.715.3046. Others involved in the planning committee are Marife Domingo / Cathy Madeja / George Gesmundo /
The FANHS PA Banquet's featured speaker is:
JUANITA TAMAYO LOTT, nationally known as a pioneer in the field of Filipino American and Asian American Studies, was one of the students who developed the rationale and curriculum for the first Asian American Studies Program in the United State at San Fancisco State in spring 1969. She was founding chair of the Pilipino Studies Planning Group and special assistant to the first Dean of the School of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State in 1970. After graduating cum laude, she was awarded a Ph.D fellowship in the social sciences, specializing in sociology and demography at the University of Chicago.
From the Midwest, Juanita moved to the Washington, D.C. area. Since 1973 her community and professional work has been primarily at the national level as a manager or analyst ensuring statistical and demographic perspectives in public policies. Juanita began her career at the National Center of Education Statistics analyzing data on Title 1 students. She then led the Asian American Affairs Office at
DHEW during the fall of Vietnam with entry of refugees; ensuring Asian Pacific Islander representation in the planning and conduct of the 1980 Census; and chairing the 1975 working group of the Federal Interagency Committteee on Education that developed the racial and ethnic categories for the the federal statistical system. She was the first Asian American division director at the US Commission on Civil
Rights, 1980-82; first Asian American research associate at the Committee on National Statistics, National Academy of Sciences 1993-94, and first Filipino American section officer, American Statistical Association, 2005-06. In 1997 she joined the US. Census Bureau as special assistant to the Director in preparation for the 2000 Census and subsequently directed the 2010 Census Planning Unit. Her current work is on competitve human capital in a 21st century global eonomy, focusing on the role of civil servants.
Pioneering Federal projects directed by Juanita resulted in various publications including the classic 1976 Asian American Data Reference Directory and the 1977 Asian American Field Survey (DHEW); 1981 Child Care and Equal Opportunity for Women and 1982 The Federal Response to Domestic Violence (USCCR). Her professional publications include: Common Destiny: Filipino American Generations, 2006; "Population Shifts and Demographic Methods," with C. Matthew Snipp, American Statistical Association/international Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings, 2003," Asian
Americans: From Racial Category to Multiple Identities, 1998, and the Asian American Almanac, 1995. Her latest manuscript is on racial, ethnic, and gender bias in education statistics for the 2008 International Encyclopedia of Education.
Juanita is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Asian American Studies . She currently serves on the President's Council of the Population Reference Bureau and is an advisor for Filipino American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park.
The FANHS PA Banquet's featured speaker is:
JUANITA TAMAYO LOTT, nationally known as a pioneer in the field of Filipino American and Asian American Studies, was one of the students who developed the rationale and curriculum for the first Asian American Studies Program in the United State at San Fancisco State in spring 1969. She was founding chair of the Pilipino Studies Planning Group and special assistant to the first Dean of the School of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State in 1970. After graduating cum laude, she was awarded a Ph.D fellowship in the social sciences, specializing in sociology and demography at the University of Chicago.
From the Midwest, Juanita moved to the Washington, D.C. area. Since 1973 her community and professional work has been primarily at the national level as a manager or analyst ensuring statistical and demographic perspectives in public policies. Juanita began her career at the National Center of Education Statistics analyzing data on Title 1 students. She then led the Asian American Affairs Office at
DHEW during the fall of Vietnam with entry of refugees; ensuring Asian Pacific Islander representation in the planning and conduct of the 1980 Census; and chairing the 1975 working group of the Federal Interagency Committteee on Education that developed the racial and ethnic categories for the the federal statistical system. She was the first Asian American division director at the US Commission on Civil
Rights, 1980-82; first Asian American research associate at the Committee on National Statistics, National Academy of Sciences 1993-94, and first Filipino American section officer, American Statistical Association, 2005-06. In 1997 she joined the US. Census Bureau as special assistant to the Director in preparation for the 2000 Census and subsequently directed the 2010 Census Planning Unit. Her current work is on competitve human capital in a 21st century global eonomy, focusing on the role of civil servants.
Pioneering Federal projects directed by Juanita resulted in various publications including the classic 1976 Asian American Data Reference Directory and the 1977 Asian American Field Survey (DHEW); 1981 Child Care and Equal Opportunity for Women and 1982 The Federal Response to Domestic Violence (USCCR). Her professional publications include: Common Destiny: Filipino American Generations, 2006; "Population Shifts and Demographic Methods," with C. Matthew Snipp, American Statistical Association/international Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings, 2003," Asian
Americans: From Racial Category to Multiple Identities, 1998, and the Asian American Almanac, 1995. Her latest manuscript is on racial, ethnic, and gender bias in education statistics for the 2008 International Encyclopedia of Education.
Juanita is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Asian American Studies . She currently serves on the President's Council of the Population Reference Bureau and is an advisor for Filipino American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Legacies of Ethnic Studies since 1969
This picture truly reflects the legacies and diversity -- both intergenerational and regional -- of FANHS. It's from the July 4 panel, "Inspiration, Influence, and Intrigue: the Long Reach and Hidden Impacts of Filipino American Studies since 1969," at the 12th Biennial National Conference of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) in Anchorage, Alaska. Organized by Juanita Tamayo Lott, the panel included presentations by founders of Ethnic Studies -- Daniel Phillip Gonzales, Asian American Studies, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University and Juanita Tamayo Lott, Senior Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC -- as well as a presentation by Gem Daus, the instructor of one of the newest Filipino American Studies courses at the University of Maryland, College Park.
After the inspiring presentations and lively discussion, generations of Filipino American studies instructors and students from throughout the USA posed for this historic photograph. Included are a number of leaders of Pin@y Educational Partnerships (PEP) of San Francisco State University who presented both their own workshop as well as a highly engaging plenary session at FANHS.
Pictured from left to right, row 1, seated:
Daniel Phillip Gonzales, Asian American Studies, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University,
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova, FANHS National President & Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA) professor,
Oscar Penaranda, FANHS Trustee & founding FANHS San Francisco President, pioneering poet/writer, former SF State instructor, and high school teacher,
Juanita Tamayo Lott , Senior Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC,
Dr. N. Judy Patacsil, FANHS San Diego & Trustee, Miramar Community College professor
Rodel Rodis, Attorney & Board Member, San Francisco Community Colleges,
Dr. Allan Bergano, FANHS Founding President – Hampton Roads Chapter, Virginia & Managing Editor of two intergenerational oral history publications, "In Our Aunties' Words: The Filipino Spirit of Hampton Roads" & "In Our Uncles' Words: We Fought for Freedom"
Row 2, left to right, standing:
Veronica Baybay Salcedo, FANHS Hampton Roads Chapter President, Teacher, Bayside High School, VA Beach,
Dr. Marie-Therese Sulit, Mount Saint Mary College, NY, professor,
Rebecca Baroma, Los Angeles,
Annaliza Torres, FANHS Seattle,
Emily P. Lawsin, FANHS Trustee & University of Michigan professor,
Arlene Daus-Magbual, San Francisco State University, PEP Associate Director of Program Development,
Dr. Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University professor & Director of PEP
Eunice Mae Lee, PEP Longfellow Coordinator and Teacher,
Dr. Linda Revilla, FANHS Sacramento & National Trustee, California State University, Sacramento professor
Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao, FANHS Trustee & University of Hawai'i, Manoa, professor.
Francisco Sibal, of Phoenix Publishing, publishers of Pin@y Educational Partnerships [PEP] curriculum
FANHS Alaska representative
Row 3, left to right, standing:
Gem Daus, Filipino American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maria Paz G. Esguerra, PhD candidate, University of Michigan,
Nicollette Magsambol, San Francisco State University, PEP Longfellow Elementary School Coordinator
Joan Vitorelo, Community College of San Francisco Administrator
Jocyl Sacramento, M.A. student, San Francisco State University, PEP Burton High School Curriculum Coordinator
Roderick Daus-Magbual, Ed.D student, University of San Francisco, PEP Associate Director of Curriculum Development
Ryan Leano, PEP Community College of San Francisco Teacher,
FANHS Alaska representative
Missing from photo: Dr. Dawn Boholano Mabalon, FANHS Trustee & San Francisco State University professor (who taught the first ever Filipino American history course at Stanford University). Attending another workshop was FANHS Hampton Roads high school teacher Ray Obispo, FANHS Trustee & Adviser to Salem High School's Filipino American Cultural Society (FACS), whose dramatic representations of Filipino American history have been nationally recognized for more than a decade.
For more information, photos, and videos, please also see the FANHS group site on Facebook.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Bobby Roy, FANHS Sacramento, works on state curriculum revisions
Here are excerpts from Bobby Roy's communication with California's Department of Education. Many thanks to Bobby!
"Subject: Filipino American National Historical Society and California's Curriculum Framework Revision
...FANHS is THE source of Filipino American history, annually declaring October as Filipino American History Month, maintaining the National Pinoy Archives in Seattle, WA, and publishing some of the most widely used materials in Asian American and Filipino American studies classes on Filipino Americans. You can learn more
about FANHS on the FANHS Web site at
FANHS members have long been creating and developing Filipino American curricula for schools,including PinoyTeach (, the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program
Filipino American Centennial Commemoration Curriculum Guide
(, Pinay/Pinoy Educational Partnerships
(, not to mention providing materials for the thousands of professors at
universities across the country that create syllabi for their courses on Asian American and, more specifically, Filipino American history.
FANHS is a great organization to which I am proud to be a part of. Please attend a FANHS meeting in your area, as there are chapters in the Los Angeles area, the Bay area, and the Sacramento area.
I shared the applications for the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee for the History-Social Science Framework with several FANHS members at the national conference earlier this month and there definitely was a strong interest in being a part of the curriculum frameworks revision in California...
"Subject: Filipino American National Historical Society and California's Curriculum Framework Revision
...FANHS is THE source of Filipino American history, annually declaring October as Filipino American History Month, maintaining the National Pinoy Archives in Seattle, WA, and publishing some of the most widely used materials in Asian American and Filipino American studies classes on Filipino Americans. You can learn more
about FANHS on the FANHS Web site at
FANHS members have long been creating and developing Filipino American curricula for schools,including PinoyTeach (, the Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Program
Filipino American Centennial Commemoration Curriculum Guide
(, Pinay/Pinoy Educational Partnerships
(, not to mention providing materials for the thousands of professors at
universities across the country that create syllabi for their courses on Asian American and, more specifically, Filipino American history.
FANHS is a great organization to which I am proud to be a part of. Please attend a FANHS meeting in your area, as there are chapters in the Los Angeles area, the Bay area, and the Sacramento area.
I shared the applications for the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee for the History-Social Science Framework with several FANHS members at the national conference earlier this month and there definitely was a strong interest in being a part of the curriculum frameworks revision in California...
Monday, July 21, 2008
FANHS 2008 National Conference by Rodel Rodis
Honoring Thelma
By Rodel Rodis
First Posted 11:01am (Mla time) 07/08/2008
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The Alaska chapter of the Filipino
American National Historical Society (FANHS), led by
Dr. Aurora Salazar Hovland, proudly celebrated its
25th anniversary with its 12th Biennial Conference at
the Anchorage Hilton Hotel July 3-5, 2008, drawing
more than 300 delegates from all over the United
States to the land of the midnight sun.
“The Lure of the Salmon Song” was the theme of the
conference, referring to the tens of thousands of
Filipino “Alaskeros” who have worked in the Alaskan
canneries since 1915. In 1930 alone, there were 4,200
Filipino cannery workers in Alaska. Their numbers
swelled to 9,000 a decade later but by 1976, there
were down to just 1,200. Their numbers are
insignificant now.
A highlight of the conference=2 0was the Friday morning
plenary session on the “Alaskero Experience” with
former Alaskeros sharing their recollections of their
time at the canneries. Dr. Alan Bergano, a dentist in
Virginia Beach, West Virginia, was a student at the
University of Washington when he and his girl friend
(now his wife), Edwina Lapa, worked several summers in
Alaska to pay for their college education.
Also sharing their mostly bitter experiences were
Larry Flores of Seattle, Oscar Peñaranda from Union
City, California, Ray Guimary from Portland, Ray
Pascua from Yakima, Washington and Jesse Tabasa from
Aptos, California. They spoke of working 16 to 23 hour
days standing on their feet as they sorted tens of
thousands of salmon, eating nothing but rice and
salmon for breakfast, lunch and dinner and living in
crowded segregated bunk huts.
Anthony Ogilvie, Dean of Continuing & Professional
Education at Seattle Central Community College and
chair of the historic 1971 Young Filipino People’s Far
West Convention held in Seattle, explained how
segregation at the canneries worked. Because he was
mistaken for being “white”, the cannery bosses gave
him the easy job of doing mail call, where he spent
most of his “working” days just sleepin g in more
accommodating quarters and getting paid far more than
his brown-skinned brothers. (Yes, he felt guilty about
The FANHS Conference was dedicated to the memory of
Thelma Garcia Buchholdt, the former 3-term national
FANHS president who initiated the holding of the FANHS
national conference in her home state of Alaska.
Unfortunately, Thelma did not live to see the fruition
of her efforts as she died of pancreatic cancer on
November 5, 2007.
Thelma had immigrated to the US in 1951 and was
enrolled in graduate studies at the University of
Nevada in Las Vegas in 1956 when she met Jon
Buchholdt, a fellow student. After they married in
1957, Thelma and Jon Buchholdt, and their 4 kids,
moved to Anchorage in 1965 and Thelma immersed herself
in the local community. In 1974, she was elected to
the Alaska State Legislature from a mostly-white
assembly district, becoming the first
Filipino-American woman elected to public office in
the United States. In 1980, she was elected the first
Asian-American president of the National Order of
Women Legislators.
While her eldest daughter, Titania, was enrolled at
Georgetown University School of Law, Thelma and her
husband, Jon joined her in Washington DC and enrolled
at the District of Columbia School of Law in 1991.
Father, mother and daughter all took and passed the
Alaska bar.
In 1996, Thelma published her landmark book Filipinos
in Alaska: 1788-1958 (Aborigina l Press) which provides
detailed information about the first Filipinos
recorded to set foot in Alaska. Her research
established that a British ship, the Iphigenia
Nubiana, under the command of Capt. William Douglas,
left Zamboanga on February 2, 1788 and landed in the
Cook Inlet in Alaska on June 17, 1788 with a “Manilla
Man” as part of the crew.
In that same year, Capt. Simon Metcalfe, an American
fur trader, brought his ship Eleanora to “Manilla” for
repairs and hired 30 “Manilla Men” to be part of his
crew. Five of these “Manilla Men” were assigned to the
other Metcalfe-owned ship, Fair American, in China.
Both ships then sailed to Alaska where they landed
with their “Manilla Men” crew in the summer of 1789.
When Thelma died in November of 2007, the state’s
governor ordered all flags in the state to be flown at
half mast to honor Thelma Buchholdt and her
contributions to Alaska.
Dr. Joan May Timtiman Cordova, a Drexel University
professor in Philadelphia, with a doctorate from
Harvard University, was elected FANHS national
president. Elected national vice-president was
Evangeline Canonizado Buell from Berkeley, California,
author of Twenty Five Chickens and a Pig for a Bride:
Growing Up in a Filipino Immigrant Family. Elected
Secretary was Ron Buenaventura from San Diego,
California. Elected Treasurer was Fran Alayu Womack
of Chicago, Illinois.
While FANHS was incorporated in Washington state in
1985, it is celebrating its 25th anniversary at the
conference because it traces its beginnings to the
publication of Fred Cordova’s landmark 1983 book,
Filipinos, Forgotten Asian Americans (edited by
Dorothy Laigo Cordova). If the US can celebrate the
birth of its independence in 1776, instead of 1789
when the US government was first established, why
can’t FANHS do the same?
The next FANHS national conference will be held in
Seattle in July of 2010. Be there or be square.
For more information, log on to
(Please send comments to or log on to or write to Law Offices of Rodel
Rodis at 2429 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127,
or call (415) 334-7800.
Honoring Thelma
By Rodel Rodis
First Posted 11:01am (Mla time) 07/08/2008
ANCHORAGE, Alaska – The Alaska chapter of the Filipino
American National Historical Society (FANHS), led by
Dr. Aurora Salazar Hovland, proudly celebrated its
25th anniversary with its 12th Biennial Conference at
the Anchorage Hilton Hotel July 3-5, 2008, drawing
more than 300 delegates from all over the United
States to the land of the midnight sun.
“The Lure of the Salmon Song” was the theme of the
conference, referring to the tens of thousands of
Filipino “Alaskeros” who have worked in the Alaskan
canneries since 1915. In 1930 alone, there were 4,200
Filipino cannery workers in Alaska. Their numbers
swelled to 9,000 a decade later but by 1976, there
were down to just 1,200. Their numbers are
insignificant now.
A highlight of the conference=2 0was the Friday morning
plenary session on the “Alaskero Experience” with
former Alaskeros sharing their recollections of their
time at the canneries. Dr. Alan Bergano, a dentist in
Virginia Beach, West Virginia, was a student at the
University of Washington when he and his girl friend
(now his wife), Edwina Lapa, worked several summers in
Alaska to pay for their college education.
Also sharing their mostly bitter experiences were
Larry Flores of Seattle, Oscar Peñaranda from Union
City, California, Ray Guimary from Portland, Ray
Pascua from Yakima, Washington and Jesse Tabasa from
Aptos, California. They spoke of working 16 to 23 hour
days standing on their feet as they sorted tens of
thousands of salmon, eating nothing but rice and
salmon for breakfast, lunch and dinner and living in
crowded segregated bunk huts.
Anthony Ogilvie, Dean of Continuing & Professional
Education at Seattle Central Community College and
chair of the historic 1971 Young Filipino People’s Far
West Convention held in Seattle, explained how
segregation at the canneries worked. Because he was
mistaken for being “white”, the cannery bosses gave
him the easy job of doing mail call, where he spent
most of his “working” days just sleepin g in more
accommodating quarters and getting paid far more than
his brown-skinned brothers. (Yes, he felt guilty about
The FANHS Conference was dedicated to the memory of
Thelma Garcia Buchholdt, the former 3-term national
FANHS president who initiated the holding of the FANHS
national conference in her home state of Alaska.
Unfortunately, Thelma did not live to see the fruition
of her efforts as she died of pancreatic cancer on
November 5, 2007.
Thelma had immigrated to the US in 1951 and was
enrolled in graduate studies at the University of
Nevada in Las Vegas in 1956 when she met Jon
Buchholdt, a fellow student. After they married in
1957, Thelma and Jon Buchholdt, and their 4 kids,
moved to Anchorage in 1965 and Thelma immersed herself
in the local community. In 1974, she was elected to
the Alaska State Legislature from a mostly-white
assembly district, becoming the first
Filipino-American woman elected to public office in
the United States. In 1980, she was elected the first
Asian-American president of the National Order of
Women Legislators.
While her eldest daughter, Titania, was enrolled at
Georgetown University School of Law, Thelma and her
husband, Jon joined her in Washington DC and enrolled
at the District of Columbia School of Law in 1991.
Father, mother and daughter all took and passed the
Alaska bar.
In 1996, Thelma published her landmark book Filipinos
in Alaska: 1788-1958 (Aborigina l Press) which provides
detailed information about the first Filipinos
recorded to set foot in Alaska. Her research
established that a British ship, the Iphigenia
Nubiana, under the command of Capt. William Douglas,
left Zamboanga on February 2, 1788 and landed in the
Cook Inlet in Alaska on June 17, 1788 with a “Manilla
Man” as part of the crew.
In that same year, Capt. Simon Metcalfe, an American
fur trader, brought his ship Eleanora to “Manilla” for
repairs and hired 30 “Manilla Men” to be part of his
crew. Five of these “Manilla Men” were assigned to the
other Metcalfe-owned ship, Fair American, in China.
Both ships then sailed to Alaska where they landed
with their “Manilla Men” crew in the summer of 1789.
When Thelma died in November of 2007, the state’s
governor ordered all flags in the state to be flown at
half mast to honor Thelma Buchholdt and her
contributions to Alaska.
Dr. Joan May Timtiman Cordova, a Drexel University
professor in Philadelphia, with a doctorate from
Harvard University, was elected FANHS national
president. Elected national vice-president was
Evangeline Canonizado Buell from Berkeley, California,
author of Twenty Five Chickens and a Pig for a Bride:
Growing Up in a Filipino Immigrant Family. Elected
Secretary was Ron Buenaventura from San Diego,
California. Elected Treasurer was Fran Alayu Womack
of Chicago, Illinois.
While FANHS was incorporated in Washington state in
1985, it is celebrating its 25th anniversary at the
conference because it traces its beginnings to the
publication of Fred Cordova’s landmark 1983 book,
Filipinos, Forgotten Asian Americans (edited by
Dorothy Laigo Cordova). If the US can celebrate the
birth of its independence in 1776, instead of 1789
when the US government was first established, why
can’t FANHS do the same?
The next FANHS national conference will be held in
Seattle in July of 2010. Be there or be square.
For more information, log on to
(Please send comments to or log on to or write to Law Offices of Rodel
Rodis at 2429 Ocean Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94127,
or call (415) 334-7800.
FANHS 2008 National Conference in the News!
News Flash:
Asian Journal just published a 2 and 1/2 page spread on FANHS! (Just advance this to get to the next two pages.
Many thanks to Baylan, Evelyn L, Ron, Vangie for sharing the info with the reporter.
page 1:
page 2:
page 3:
(who was in the group trekking up the mountain away from the group pic, lol)
Asian Journal just published a 2 and 1/2 page spread on FANHS! (Just advance this to get to the next two pages.
Many thanks to Baylan, Evelyn L, Ron, Vangie for sharing the info with the reporter.
page 1:
page 2:
page 3:
(who was in the group trekking up the mountain away from the group pic, lol)
Sunday, July 20, 2008
FANHS New Jersey Chapter & WWII Vets in the news
Filipino Veterans' Fight for Equality |
For more info, see article here:
Sunday, June 22, 2008
FANHS conference full schedule overview !
Many of you have been waiting to see this schedule.
Again, please click on the box in the upper right corner to see a full view of the schedule. (I write this reminder upon request ;-) Please also note that workshops and panels -- and not individual presentations -- are listed here. If you're a presenter, please note the code T1, or F2, etc., in the email you've already received. The codes mean T1= Thursday, Concurrent Session 1, for example. "P" denotes plenary sessions. To decide on each panel's title, it's been great that panelists have been in engaging in on-line dialogue and getting to know each other before the conference. In light of ongoing dialogue, some of these titles will change by conference time.
Again, if you haven't registered, there's still time to send in registration forms. (See posts below for forms). Or you may register on site.
Watch for press releases that describe sessions in more depth. See you in Alaska!
Again, please click on the box in the upper right corner to see a full view of the schedule. (I write this reminder upon request ;-) Please also note that workshops and panels -- and not individual presentations -- are listed here. If you're a presenter, please note the code T1, or F2, etc., in the email you've already received. The codes mean T1= Thursday, Concurrent Session 1, for example. "P" denotes plenary sessions. To decide on each panel's title, it's been great that panelists have been in engaging in on-line dialogue and getting to know each other before the conference. In light of ongoing dialogue, some of these titles will change by conference time.
Again, if you haven't registered, there's still time to send in registration forms. (See posts below for forms). Or you may register on site.
Watch for press releases that describe sessions in more depth. See you in Alaska!
Read this document on Scribd: Schedule overview final
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
FANHS conference press release by Jenny Dizon

Filipino American National Historical Society
“The mission of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) shall be to promote understanding, education, enlightenment, appreciation and enrichment through the identification, gathering, preservation and dissemination of the history and culture of Filipino Americans in the United States.”
Jennifer Dizon
June 16, 2008
Anchorage, Alaska, June 16, 2008–The Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) will host its 12th Biennial National Conference, “Lure of the Salmon Song,” at the Hilton Hotel in Anchorage, Alaska, July 3 through 5, 2008. FANHS will also celebrate its 25th anniversary and honor three-term FANHS National President and former Alaska State Representative Thelma Buchholdt who recently passed away. The FANHS National Conference is open to those interested in learning and preserving Filipino American history. Registration and payment are required to attend.
The FANHS National Conference will highlight the stories of the Alaskeros, Filipino immigrants who worked in the Alaskan canneries in the early to mid-1900s. The Alaskeros faced harsh winters, discrimination, long hours and low wages; however, they worked hard to earn a decent living and to support their families. Over the years, Alaska’s Filipino American community rapidly grew. Hence, Dr. Aurora Hovland, FANHS Alaska Chapter Conference Coordinator organized the panel, “Alaska: Roots Beyond the Canneries” that focuses on experiences of more recent immigrants.
On July 2, pre-registered conference attendees will tour the Kenai Canneries. Workshops and plenaries will be held July 3 through 5; topics include “Double Identities: Alaska Native/Filipinos,” “Alaskero Experiences,” and “Pin@y Educational Partnerships,” to name a few. Already scheduled are more than 100 presentations on historical and regional research, educational curriculum, “how-to” workshops, identity, advocacy for Filipino World War II veterans and more. An Authors’ Reception will take place on the evening of July 3, and a banquet and silent auction are planned for July 5.
In 1982, Drs. Fred and Dorothy Cordova founded the Filipino American National Historical Society, a community-based organization, “to preserve, document, and present Filipino American history and to support scholarly research and artistic works which reflect that rich past.” Housed in Seattle, Wash., the national office and archives lend expertise and support to 28 chapters across the United States and is the primary resource on Filipino Americans.
All are welcome to join FANHS in Anchorage, Alaska. For questions regarding the FANHS National Conference, e-mail Dr. Joan May T. Cordova at To register for the FANHS National Conference, to apply for or renew a FANHS membership, to become a sponsor, or for more information, visit, and # # #
Kenai Tour information & updates to schedule
Nearly all conference presenters have received confirmation of their time/date of their presentations. I thank you in advance for some of the changes that may have to be made.
Just a reminder: Everyone, including all conference presenters, must register for the conference. The FANHS national conference is a great bargain -- with the awards banquet, networking lunch, authors' reception, continental breakfast, and so much more -- included in the very low conference registration fee (around $100). Your canceled check will be your receipt. Registration packets will be available when we all get to Alaska. FANHS Conference registration forms are here:
If you'd like to join us on the pre-conference tour to Kenai canneries and more... please add $30 to your registration fee and note "Kenai Tour" on your reg form. Mail your registration form and check, made payable to FANHS, to:
FANHS National Office
810 - 18th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
Please note that to join the Kenai Tour, all participants must be in the lobby of the Anchorage Hilton Hotel by 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 2.
Another correction to the schedule below is that the post-tour dinner will be held at St. Anthony's Church.
See you soon!
Just a reminder: Everyone, including all conference presenters, must register for the conference. The FANHS national conference is a great bargain -- with the awards banquet, networking lunch, authors' reception, continental breakfast, and so much more -- included in the very low conference registration fee (around $100). Your canceled check will be your receipt. Registration packets will be available when we all get to Alaska. FANHS Conference registration forms are here:
If you'd like to join us on the pre-conference tour to Kenai canneries and more... please add $30 to your registration fee and note "Kenai Tour" on your reg form. Mail your registration form and check, made payable to FANHS, to:
FANHS National Office
810 - 18th Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
Please note that to join the Kenai Tour, all participants must be in the lobby of the Anchorage Hilton Hotel by 6:30 a.m. on Wednesday, July 2.
Another correction to the schedule below is that the post-tour dinner will be held at St. Anthony's Church.
See you soon!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
FANHS National Conference "Schedule at a Glance"
Please click on the tiny window in the upper right hand corner to open a full view of the schedule. For questions, email:
Read this document on Scribd: FANHS 2008 schedule 1
Monday, June 9, 2008
Authors: Please send books to Alaska ASAP
Titania Buchholdt has just sent this reminder to all those who are planning to have books available for the FANHS Authors' Reception. If you plan to send your books to the FANHS conference,
1. The address is
[insert author's name or the person the books belong to], FANHS national conference
Anchorage Hilton Hotel
500 West Third Ave
Anchorage AK 99501-2210
2. If you are sending books by mail, it is now *too late* to send via USPS Media Mail!
If you send books by First Class, allow three to six weeks for the books to arrive -- which means it is too late to send via First Class unless you are sending from the Seattle area.
If you are going to mail books ahead and you have not yet done so, you must send via Priority Mail no later than two weeks prior to the start of the conference! Yes, the USPS does advertise that Priority Mail "usually" takes two to three days. Note, this "usual" delivery time does not apply to items sent to Alaska or Hawaii!
Because it is now too late to mail books to the conference other than by Priority Mail, consider using FedEx or UPS Ground no later than this week. Delivery takes about 7 to 10 days from the West Coast. Check with your local FedEx or UPS office for the delivery time range from your location.
Hope this clarifies the situation!
Titania :)
Many thanks, Titania! Titania -- together with Tala Ibabao and Patrick Tamayo -- will be featured at the "Kulintang in America" workshop at FANHS. They've all been trained by Kulintang Master Danongan Kalunduyan
1. The address is
[insert author's name or the person the books belong to], FANHS national conference
Anchorage Hilton Hotel
500 West Third Ave
Anchorage AK 99501-2210
2. If you are sending books by mail, it is now *too late* to send via USPS Media Mail!
If you send books by First Class, allow three to six weeks for the books to arrive -- which means it is too late to send via First Class unless you are sending from the Seattle area.
If you are going to mail books ahead and you have not yet done so, you must send via Priority Mail no later than two weeks prior to the start of the conference! Yes, the USPS does advertise that Priority Mail "usually" takes two to three days. Note, this "usual" delivery time does not apply to items sent to Alaska or Hawaii!
Because it is now too late to mail books to the conference other than by Priority Mail, consider using FedEx or UPS Ground no later than this week. Delivery takes about 7 to 10 days from the West Coast. Check with your local FedEx or UPS office for the delivery time range from your location.
Hope this clarifies the situation!
Titania :)
Many thanks, Titania! Titania -- together with Tala Ibabao and Patrick Tamayo -- will be featured at the "Kulintang in America" workshop at FANHS. They've all been trained by Kulintang Master Danongan Kalunduyan
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Honoring Thelma Buchholdt
At the Awards banquet on July 5, 2008, FANHS will honor three-term FANHS National President Thelma Buchholdt
Thelma worked on the upcoming FANHS national conference until her death last November. The letter she wrote to all of us at FANHS is posted on the FANHS Alaska Chapter website:
Reading these, I'm inspired and humbled as we continue this work.
We look forward to seeing you at FANHS.
Thelma worked on the upcoming FANHS national conference until her death last November. The letter she wrote to all of us at FANHS is posted on the FANHS Alaska Chapter website:
Reading these, I'm inspired and humbled as we continue this work.
We look forward to seeing you at FANHS.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Authors' Reception, Ads, Registration, and Sponsorship
FANHS conference registration fees increase after tomorrow! Please register ASAP. You may send conference registration forms and checks to FANHS - 810 18th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122. Everyone must register for the conference. Your canceled check will be your receipt. Registration packets will be available when we all get to Alaska. FANHS Conference registration forms are here:
BOOKS for Authors' Reception
If you're staying at the Hilton in Anchorage, please mail your books (addressed to yourself :-) so that they will arrive on the date that you plan to be there. If you think that the books will arrive before you get there or if you're not staying at the Hilton, please address your box to AIDA HAYDEN at the Hilton in Anchorage. Aida is a FANHS Alaska Chapter officer who'll watch out for FANHS stuff.
Please email your copy-ready ads to me: pdf files work best.
If you'd like to be a sponsor of FANHS, please download forms (see earlier posts) and send checks to:
Ms. Fran Alayu Womack
FANHS National Treasurer
1364 E. 48th St
Chicago, IL 60615-2028
BOOKS for Authors' Reception
If you're staying at the Hilton in Anchorage, please mail your books (addressed to yourself :-) so that they will arrive on the date that you plan to be there. If you think that the books will arrive before you get there or if you're not staying at the Hilton, please address your box to AIDA HAYDEN at the Hilton in Anchorage. Aida is a FANHS Alaska Chapter officer who'll watch out for FANHS stuff.
Please email your copy-ready ads to me: pdf files work best.
If you'd like to be a sponsor of FANHS, please download forms (see earlier posts) and send checks to:
Ms. Fran Alayu Womack
FANHS National Treasurer
1364 E. 48th St
Chicago, IL 60615-2028
Monday, May 19, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
FANHS hotel discount ends this week!
The discounted price for hotel rooms at the Anchorage Hilton, site of the 12th Biennial National Conference, ends this week. So if you have not already done so, please book your hotel rooms now. See previous post for more info on how to make reservations.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Hilton Anchorage still has discounted rooms!
Hi, friends of FANHS:
For the upcoming 12th Biennial FANHS National Conference, we hope that you're planning to stay at the official conference hotel, the Hilton in Anchorage. Rooms are still available at the discounted FANHS conference rate. To book your reservation, please do _not_ call the 800 number.
Here's the correct info:
For the upcoming 12th Biennial FANHS National Conference, we hope that you're planning to stay at the official conference hotel, the Hilton in Anchorage. Rooms are still available at the discounted FANHS conference rate. To book your reservation, please do _not_ call the 800 number.
Here's the correct info:
Hilton Anchorage
500 West Third Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska, United States 99501 Tel: 1-907-272-7411 Fax: 1-907-265-7044
Please call the number above between the hours of 8 - 5 Alaska time, Monday - Friday. Ask to speak with Elizabeth, the reservations manager, and request the FANHS conference discount rate.
Please call the number above between the hours of 8 - 5 Alaska time, Monday - Friday. Ask to speak with Elizabeth, the reservations manager, and request the FANHS conference discount rate.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Be a sponsor of FANHS!
The Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) will hold its 12th Biennial National Conference in Anchorage, Alaska -- July 2-5, 2008. You'll find more information about the conference here:
Please do consider being a sponsor of FANHS. Sponsorship categories and forms are here:
To register for the FANHS conference, please download the reg form here:
Please do consider being a sponsor of FANHS. Sponsorship categories and forms are here:
To register for the FANHS conference, please download the reg form here:
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Big congrats and many thanks to @FANHShtx for hosting a #FANHStastic 20th biennial @fanhs_national conference #fanhs2024!
Please see more via all @fanhs_national @FANHShtx + social media accounts for #FANHSChapters as well as hashtags #fanhs2024 See more pic...

Just search the hashtags and social media handles (of ALL the FANHS Chapters) to learn more about how @FANHS_national's #FilipinoAmerica...
We're excited that Filipino American Studies is growing on the East Coast! At the 12th biennial conference of FANHS in Anchorage, Alaska...
As a non-profit organization run 100% by volunteers - including the FANHS Executive Director and FANHS national archivist - the Filipino Ame...