Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Honoring Thelma Buchholdt

At the Awards banquet on July 5, 2008, FANHS will honor three-term FANHS National President Thelma Buchholdt http://thelmabuchholdt.com/LegProclamation.htm

Thelma worked on the upcoming FANHS national conference until her death last November. The letter she wrote to all of us at FANHS is posted on the FANHS Alaska Chapter website: http://www.fanhs17.com/ThelmaLetter.htm

Reading these, I'm inspired and humbled as we continue this work.

We look forward to seeing you at FANHS.


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Big congrats and many thanks to @FANHShtx for hosting a #FANHStastic 20th biennial @fanhs_national conference #fanhs2024!

Please see more via all @fanhs_national @FANHShtx + social media accounts for #FANHSChapters as well as hashtags #fanhs2024 See more pic...