Monday, October 1, 2012

Celebrate Filipino American History Month in Philadelphia with FANHS PA on October 26

See FANHS PA's 5th annual Filipino American History Month PROGRAM part 1
FANHS PA's Community Service Awardees:  bios and photos here

Cheers to the Filipino Intercultural Society of Drexel University (FISDU) who will be performing and emceeing at FANHS PA's 5th annual Filipino American History Month dinner-dance celebration on the 26th! 

Zumba Dancers and Pure Ener-J Line Dancers of PCSNJ / Philippine Community of Southern New Jersey will be performing, too.  Yehey!

Congrats to Noel Abejo, Amelia Belardo-Cox, Lovella Calica, Cyndi Gutierrez, Janet Ismael Escarcha, Mary A Faustino, Virginia Olivar Luz, and Skip Voluntad who'll be receiving "FANHS PA's Community Service Awards" on October 26!

Kirby Asunto,  one of the winners of the competitive 2012 TOFA - NY awards (The Outstanding Filipino Americans of NY),  will be performing at FANHS PA's 5th annual Filipino American History Month celebration! 

  Filipino American National Historical Society Pennsylvania Chapter (FANHS PA) invites everyone
to FANHS PA's 5th annual celebration of Filipino American History Month on October 26, 2012 at Ocean City Restaurant in Philadelphia.
Join FANHS PA in an 8 course banquet, dancing with "DJ Pure J" - Jerry Ancheta, a book signing with Eliseo Silva - artist and author of the new "Filipinos in Philadelphia" just published by Arcadia Press, FANHS PA community service awards, entertainment and much more!
Tickets: $45 / $35 students   For more information as well as advanced tickets contact Marife Domingo 267.679.365

1 comment:

Milliscent Morgan said...

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Big congrats and many thanks to @FANHShtx for hosting a #FANHStastic 20th biennial @fanhs_national conference #fanhs2024!

Please see more via all @fanhs_national @FANHShtx + social media accounts for #FANHSChapters as well as hashtags #fanhs2024 See more pic...