Tuesday, April 6, 2010

FANHS National Conference Updates

Dorm rooms at Seattle University are still available. To reserve dorm rooms, please call the FANHS National Office: 206.322.0203

The closest hotel is Seattle's Silver Cloud that features a free continental breakfast, a shuttle to downtown, swimming pool, rooms cleaned every day and a bathroom of your own. It is only two blocks to the conference site. Please call the Silver Cloud directly and mention that you're part of the FANHS National Conference: 1100 Broadway, Seattle, WA, 98122, USA

Big congrats and many thanks to @FANHShtx for hosting a #FANHStastic 20th biennial @fanhs_national conference #fanhs2024!

Please see more via all @fanhs_national @FANHShtx + social media accounts for #FANHSChapters as well as hashtags #fanhs2024 See more pic...