Founded in 1982, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) documents and promotes Filipino American history through its archives, conferences, books, programs, films, art, and more. This blog is linked to and curated by Dr. JoanMay T. Cordova, FANHS National President Emerita 2007-2011. * See also @fanhs_national on Twitter and Instagram plus other FANHS Chapters' IG accounts and pages on Facebook * With love @ForCommunities, ~Joanie
Monday, December 7, 2009
FANHS Fundraising revised
***The FANHS national office is sending the following letter out via snail mail news:
Dear FANHS members and friends,
Thanks to all FANHS members and volunteers in 28 FANHS Chapters throughout the U.S., FANHS continues to gather and promote Filipino American history through publications, public programs, films, and artistic expressions for more than 26 years.
Through our FANHS blog: and many FANHS Facebook pages, you’ll see that our work is truly national. In 2009, we celebrate renewed activity in FANHS New England and FANHS Metropolitan New York; the success of the FANHS Midwest Conference, and the many FANHS books, photo exhibits, films, and Filipino American History Month activities in Oregon, Washington, California and New Mexico. Cheers to everyone who has been involved!
Now after celebrating Filipino American History Month for more than 20 years, Congress passed H.Res.780: Recognizing Filipino American History Month in October. We very much appreciate the hard work of many individuals and organizations who advocated for this historic legislation that specifically cites the work of FANHS.
We hope that all of you will join us at the 13th Biennial FANHS National Conference, “A Quest for Emergence: A Retrospective” on July 21-24, 2010. Each FANHS national conference features unique intergenerational experiences -- memorable panels, films, an authors’ reception, a dinner dance and many other performances and presentations. There’s no other conference like FANHS.
Now, more than ever before, FANHS — that’s always run on a slim budget managed by volunteer
staff — needs your support. We are asking you to preserve and promote Filipino
American history by making a financial contribution to FANHS. Today. We would appreciate a gift of any size. We know that these are challenging financial times. Yet gifts of membership to FANHS are always welcome as meaningful (and “green” :-) gifts for the holidays, as well as for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries, and graduations. Donations to FANHS also express a special way of honoring the memory of loved ones.
Your donations to FANHS will support:
*The FANHS National Archives in Seattle, perhaps the most extensive collection of oral histories, photographs,and historical documents on Filipino Americans in the United States, needs to preserve its growing archival collection (where the need for an additional room has increased rent).
*Youth interns and researchers are needed to work with the FANHS National Office.
*The proposed FANHS Filipino American National Museum, a Filipino American cultural and youth center in thehistoric “Little Manila” neighborhood of Stockton (CA), is a collaborative project of Stockton’s Little Manila Foundation and FANHS.
We hope you will give generously to FANHS this season.
With much appreciation,
~Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
FANHS National President
Checks may be made payable to FANHS and mailed to the FANHS national office:
810 Eighteenth Avenue
Seattle, WA 98122
Friday, November 6, 2009
FANHS Stockton Chapter's Annual Awards' Luncheon on October 17
FANHS Vallejo Chapter's New Photo Exhibit
FANHS Pennsylvania's 2nd Annual Filipino American History Month Banquet is a Success!

~Photos by Marife Domingo & Vicky Aquino
Please click on collage to enlarge.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
H. Res. 780 passes on 11.02.09: Filipino American History Month recognized by the U.S. Congress!
Remarks of Mr. Lynch-
Tracking (shows co-sponsors, etc)
MANY THANKS to all whose efforts made this possible.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Updates on Filipino American History Month Legislation
"On Thursday, October 1, the U.S. Senate passed on by unanimous consent on the U.S. Senate floor S. Res. 298, a resolution recognizing Filipino American History Month in October 2009, introduced by Senate Majority Leader, Senator Harry Reid (D-NV), and co-sponsored by Senator Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI), Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Senator John Ensign (R-NV), Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI), and Senator Robert Menendez (D-NJ). The bill text is very similar to H. Res. 780 in the U.S. House of Representatives as introduced by Congressman Bob Filner, Co-Chair of the Congressional U.S.-Philippine Friendship Caucus."
Full text of S. Res. 298 here: http:// : [Copy/paste url if link doesn't work.]
Its companion bill, H. Res. 780, "Recognizing the celebration of Filipino American History Month in October," is still pending in the House. Currently, 19 more sponsors are needed. To track H. Res. 780,
Ben DeGuzman (Washington, DC) drafted the following Action Alert:
CALL TO ACTION: The Senate has done its work! Let the House know we need to celebrate Filipino American History Month!
On October 1, the U.S. Senate passed a resolution by unanimous consent recognizing this October as Filipino American History Month <>. The House now has the opportunity- the obligation- to follow suit and makes its own statement on behalf of our community. Your help is needed to make our Congress do the right thing- it will NOT happen without your action! On September 25, Representative Bob Filner (D-CA) introduced House Resolution 780 (H. Res. 780) to recognize October as Filipino American History Month. The Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) has marked October as Filipino American History Month for over two decades and this important bill will provide important recognition of the contributions our community has made to the fabric of American life. The Senate passed its own version of this bill as Senate Resolution (S. Res) 298 by unanimous consent on October 1 to kick off Filipino American History Month. It is now time for the House of Representatives to do the same and pass its own version of this Resolution. This has already been an historic year for our community already. The passage of legislation for Filipino WWII veterans earlier this year marked an important victory for our communities. The Senate did its job and now recognizes Filipino American History Month and just recently on October 15, President Obama signed an Executive Order to reinstate the White House Initiative on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, an important institution to help document and improve the federal government’s response to our communities. It is only proper that the House of Representatives recognize the contributions our community has made to the American narrative since first coming here in 1587. H Res. 780 requires at least 50 cosponsors in the House of Representatives in order to be considered for final passage. Your help is greatly needed to build the momentum needed to gain one more legislative victory for our community.
How You Can Help: · Please write/email/call your U.S. Representative to become a co-sponsor of H.Res. 780. A Sample Letter for your use is below. To find the contact information of your Representative, visit: · Please spread the word and ask your friends/family to write to their Representative and Senators to become a co-sponsor of H.Res. 780.
Tips for Writing Your Members of Congress: ·
Identify Yourself: State your name and address in your correspondence. If you are a registered voter, say so upfront. If you represent an organization, figures on how many members are registered voters in the member’s district are helpful. · Do NOT send Postal Mail to Washington, DC: Faxed letters, e-mails and phone calls to Congressmembers’ personal offices in Washington, DC are more likely to be received in a timely manner. Mailed letters continue to encounter higher security measures. In general, the more time it takes to send correspondence, the more weight it is given (calls are worth more than e-mails, faxes are worth more than calls). · Clearly Identify the Bill Number: When writing to your Representatives, be sure to refer to H.Res. 780, Filipino American History Month Resolution. ·
In your letter, ask your members of Congress to co-sponsor H.Res. 780, and explain why it is important to you. · Personal Touch: Congressional offices tend to notice or pay more attention to a letter that is handwritten and or personalized in some way. Thus, to be most effective, try to personalize your letter when possible. -MORE-
A Sample Letter:
As a constituent in your district, I am writing to strongly urge you to support HRes. 780: The Filipino American History Month Resolution. The Filipino American community is one of the fastest growing in the U.S. and is the largest Asian American population. Filipino Americans have contributed to every facet of life in the United States, from defending democracy and our way of life in World War II to the arts and sciences- going back to the arrival of the first Filipinos to Morro Bay, California in 1587 and the first settlement of Filipinos in Louisiana in 1763. Unfortunately, our history books continue to lack information about our role in areas as diverse as the farm workers movement in the 1950s, to propping up the health care industry in the 1960s and 1970s, even to pop cultural role models such as Lou Diamond Philips and Tia Carrere. H Res 780 will designate October as Filipino American History Month. It will allow the contributions of the Filipino American community to history, politics, culture, and the arts to be appropriately recognized and celebrated. We look forward to your support of this important resolution. Please contact us at [provide your own contact information] for further information. This October is the perfect time to stand in support of Filipino American History Month!
Thousands Attend FANHS Filipino American History Month Events

FANHS San Francisco Consortium worked with the Asian Art Museum and other organizations to organize a Filipino American History Month program that drew 2,675 people to the October 4, 2009 event. Congrats and many thanks to FANHS National Vice President Vangie Buell and FANHS National Assistant Secretary Baylan Megino, event coordinators, and all the many volunteers and groups who worked on this most successful event.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Filipino American History Month: FANHS Chapter Events

Pictured here during the FANHS NY reorganizational meeting on August 14, 2009 are: Charisse Joan Sangat Santayana, Carlos Tabaco, Jackie Bleza Tabaco Ted Martinez Lorial Crowder Rose-Ann Ubarra-Cunanan, Julman Arevalo Tolentino, Joey Tabaco, Bonnibel Fonbuena, FANHS National Secretary Ronald Buenaventura, Kevin Nadal, Marie-Therese C. Sulit, Danilo Sulit, FANHS New Jersey Chapter President Nestor Enriquez For Filipino American History Month, FANHS NY will be co-sponsoring a book reading for Kevin Nadal's new book, Filipino American Psychology
FANHS Midwest Chapter
Conference Theme: “The Filipino American Experience in Ohio and Other Midwestern States”
October 16-18, 2009 (Friday-Sunday)
At University Plaza Hotel & Conference Center, 3110 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH Filipino American National Historical Society. To submit proposals, contact: Dr. Felicisima Serafica <>, Fran Alayu Womack:, Dr. Virgilio R. Pilapil: orP.E. Kiram:
FANHS Wisconsin Chapter
In Commemoration of Filipino American History Month
the Milwaukee Public Museum & FANHS Wisconsin Chapter, will celebrate the centennial of the purchase of morethan 400 Philippine Artifacts from the l904 St. Louis World Exposition. This is the first time many of these artifacts will be seen by the public. FANHS WI will show photos, films, stories, performances, and a Pintig Excerpt of "Alamat," an award winning play of a family whose Igorot ancestor was one of the "exhibits" at the Philippine Village at the World's Fair.
October 9 & 10, 2009
Milwaukee Public Museum
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Free with Museum Admission
For more information: Angeli Varona: P. E.Kiram:
FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter
FANHS PA will hold its 2nd Annual Filipino American History Month banquet at 6 pm on Friday, October 23, 2009 at the H.K. Golden Phoenix Restaurant @ 911-913 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. (It's the same place we celebrated last year!) For more information, contact: or call Kim Barroso, FANHS PA President: 713.501.3463
FANHS San Francisco Bay Area Consortium
On Sunday, October 4, 2009, FANHS SF Bay Area Consortium will host "CELEBRATING 422 YEARS: FILIPINO AMERICAN HISTORY MONTH" at the Asian Art Museum in San Francisco, CA. Please see complete information here: as well as the Facebook Event page
...other news to be added soon!!
Filipino American History Month Resolution passes in California!
Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 48—Relative to Filipino
American History Month.
legislative counsel’s digest
SCR 48, Yee. Filipino American History Month.
This measure would designate the month of October 2009, and
every October thereafter, as Filipino American History Month.
WHEREAS, The earliest documented proof of Filipino presence
in the continental United States was the date of October 18, 1587,
when the first “Luzones Indios” set foot in Morro Bay, California,
as published by Lorraine Crouchett in her book, Filipinos in
California (1982), which annotated John Walton Caughey’s book,
California (1953); and
WHEREAS, The Filipino American National Historical Society
recognizes the year of 1763 as the date of the first permanent
Filipino settlement in the United States in St. Malo Parrish,
Louisiana, which set in motion the focus on the story of our
nation’s past from a new perspective by concentrating on the
economic, cultural, social, and other notable contributions that
Filipino Americans have made in countless ways toward the
development of the history of the United States; and
WHEREAS, Efforts must continue to promote the study of
Filipino American history and culture, as mandated in the mission
statement of the Filipino American National Historical Society,
because the roles of Filipino Americans and other people of color
have been overlooked in the writing, teaching, and learning of
United States history; and
WHEREAS, It is imperative for Filipino American youth to
have positive role models to instill in them the importance of
education, complemented with the richness of their ethnicity and
the value of their legacy; and
WHEREAS, California is home to over half of the Filipino
population in the United States and the location of historic Filipino
communities such as in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Stockton,
Vallejo, Delano, San Diego, and Salinas among others; now,
therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate of the State of California, the Assembly
thereof concurring, That the Legislature recognizes October 2009,
the 422nd anniversary of the presence of Filipinos in California,
as a significant time to study the advancement of Filipino
Americans in the history of California and the United States, as a
favorable time of celebration, remembrance, reflection, and
motivation, and as a relevant time to renew more efforts toward
research, examination, and promulgation of Filipino American
history and culture in order to provide an opportunity for all
Californians to learn and appreciate more about Filipino Americans
and their historic contributions to California and the United States;
and be it further
Resolved, That the Legislature designates October 2009, and
every October thereafter, as Filipino American History Month;
and be it further
Resolved, That the Secretary of the Senate transmit copies of
this resolution to the author for appropriate distribution.
On behalf of FANHS, we express special thanks to Senator Yee who introduced SCR 48.
FANHS Sacramento Chapter President Frances Tibon Estoista, Consultant, Senate Elections, Reapportionment and Constitutional Amendments Committee @ the California State Capitol
and FANHS National Trustee & Filipino American History Month Coordinator Mel Orpilla (FANHS Vallejo Chapter) worked with many, many people and organizations to make California's Filipino American History Month Resolution a reality. MANY, many thanks to everyone who made this possible.
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
FANHS National President
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
California's SCR 48 just passed!
SCR 48 just passed off the Senate floor 39-0
More updates and photos soon!
FANHS National President
Monday, August 3, 2009
FANHS National Trustees meet in Stockton, CA

"Day 3 of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Board of Trustees Meeting, with Trustees, Chapter members and friends from all over the country, at the Filipino Center Plaza, Stockton, California, Monday, July 27, 2009. (This photo shows only half of the 50+ people in attendance.) Agenda included planning for the future site of the FANHS National Museum (in Stockton), preserving the FANHS National Pinoy Archives (in Seattle), and discussing next year's FANHS National Conference (in Seattle July 2010). We also had an incredible tour of Stockton's historic Little Manila, where we met a 103-year-old Manong at the Filipino Federation of America, and saw spirit-filled artifacts at the Legionarios del Trabajo's Daguhoy Lodge (founded in 1926). Maraming Salamat to the FANHS Stockton Chapter, Central Valley Chapter, Sacramento Chapter, and Sonoma Chapter for being such great hosts! For more on Filipinos in Stockton, see: For more on FANHS, see: or
In this photo: Herb Jamero (FANHS Central Valley), Lourdes Cereno (FANHS Oregon President), Titania Buchholdt (FANHS Alaska), Simeon Mamaril (FANHS Oregon), Fran Alayu Womack (FANHS National Secretary & FANHS Midwest), Art Villarruz (FANHS Central Valley), Mel Orpilla (FANHS Vallejo), Joan May T. Cordova (FANHS National President & FANHS Pennsylvania), Nena Calica (FANHS LA), Dely Alcantara (FANHS Rio Grande New Mexico), Vangie Buell (FANHS National Vice President & FANHS East Bay), Moreno Balantac (FANHS Stockton), Letty Bantillo Perez (FANHS Stockton), Baylan Megino (FANHS East Bay), Emily P. Lawsin (FANHS Michigan), Concordia Mamaril (FANHS Oregon), Princess Emraida Kiram (FANHS Wisconsin), Patricia Espiritu Halagao (Hawai'i), Luna Jamero (FANHS Central Valley), Dorothy Cordova (FANHS Executive Director, Seattle), Melvin Arthur LaGasca (FANHS Stockton), Fred Cordova, Bob Luna (FANHS Central Valley President), Christine R Marasigan (FANHS Alaska), Maria Terri Torres (FANHS Stockton). Missing but in attendance are: Dawn Mabalon (FANHS Stockton & Little Manila Foundation), Ron Buenaventura (FANHS National Secretary & FANHS San Diego), Linda Revilla, Bobby Roy, and Pam Bulahan (FANHS Sacramento Delta), Fran Tibon Estoista (FANHS Sacramento Delta President), Delia Repolla (FANHS Sonoma County Presdient), Al Acena (FANHS National), Eduardo Datangel (FANHS San Francisco President). Other trustees sent email: Ray Obispo (FANHS Hampton Roads, Virginia), Oscar Penaranda (FANHS San Francisco), Nestor Enriquez (FANHS New Jersey), Gil Pilapil (FANHS Midwest), and Enrique Dela Cruz (FANHS LA).
Monday, July 13, 2009
California Senate Passes Filipino American History Month Legislation
Thank you to everyone who wrote letters of support! And thanks to the FANHS Trustee / Filipino American History Month Coordinator, Mel Orpilla and team for much hard work.
Fran Tibon (FANHS Sacramento Chapter President) just emailed this news.
For Immediate Release: July 13, 2009 Contact: Adam J. Keigwin,(916) 651-4008(916) 256-5758
California Senate Passes Filipino American History Month Legislation
Senator Yee authors resolution to recognize accomplishments of Filipino Americans
SACRAMENTO – The California State Senate has unanimously approved legislation to officially recognize the accomplishments of Filipino Americans. Senate Concurrent Resolution 48, authored by Senator Leland Yee (D-San Francisco/San Mateo), will declare October as Filipino American History Month.
“It is imperative that we continue efforts to promote the accomplishments of Filipino Americans,” said Yee, whose district includes one of the largest Filipino communities outside of thePhilippines. “For far too long the role of Filipinos in our national history has been ignored. Through SCR 48, we help ensure that our children learn about this important history.”
The earliest documented proof of Filipino presence in the continental United States was the date of October 18, 1587, when the first “Luzones Indios” set foot in Morro Bay, California. The Filipino American National Historical Society recognizes the year of 1763 as the date of the first permanent Filipino settlement in the United States in St. Malo Parish, Louisiana. Today, California is home to over half of the Filipino population in the United States.
In 2007, Yee successfully passed Senate Joint Resolution 5, urging Congress to pass the Filipino Veterans Equity Act and to fully restore benefits stripped from Filipino WWII veterans by the 1946 Rescission Act.
Senator Yee has long advocated for the Filipino veterans. In 2004, then Assemblyman Yee led the effort to prevent Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Los Angeles) from eliminating the California Veterans Cash Benefit Program from the State budget. While the Governor proposed cutting the $226 per month benefit, Yee successfully fought to make sure the Veterans Program was reauthorized in the budget approved by the Legislature. Yee has also authored legislation to add the role of Filipinos in WWII to the high school social studies curriculum.
This year, Yee is authoring SB 242 to protect language as a civil right. In addition to authoring several bills regarding language access, Yee has consistently fought for the Filipino community and helped recognize the accomplishments of Filipino Americans.
In March 2006, Yee honored the contributions of Larry Itliong at a ceremony in San Francisco. Itliong, along with Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huerta, started the farm worker movement. Yee has led various efforts to assist the Philippines after devastating earthquakes, typhoons and mudslides.
In March 2005, Yee honored the late San Francisco community activist, volunteer, and environmentalist Tess Manalo-Ventresca as the 12th Assembly District Woman of the Year.
In 2001, when the airport screeners were laid off, Yee was an outspoken supporter of the workers and his office provided resume and interview tips, and participated in job fairs to help get the workers back on their feet.
SCA 48 will next be considered by the State Assembly.
Adam J. Keigwin Chief of Staff
Click here to sign up for Senator Yee’s monthly e-newsletter
Sunday, May 31, 2009
FANHS HR Hosts Regional Symposium: Join us!
Filipino Americans Creating a Dynamic Environment (FAÇADE), a youth coalition of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) Hampton Roads Chapter, began as a collaboration of Hampton Roads students working towards creating a dynamic community versed in organizing, networking, leadership, and empowerment. FACADE invites all students to the Symposium, Sigé, this July 1-3. To raise funds for the event, we have organized the following fundraising events:
Step to the mic! Or just come to have a good time at Ohana down at the beach. Ohana means family- so don’t get left behind! Where: Ohana (2014 Atlantic Ave. Virginia Beach, VA) Time: 6 - 8pm Admission: $5 entrance fee
9:30pm - 12am @ Cozumels (1479 General Booth Blvd, Virginia Beach, VA) $5 @ the door - all proceeds go the the Symposium Enjoy LIVE performances by: Jessica Millete, Alex Cena, 2 UP High, Vizion1, and other special guests! Hosted by Marco! Mercado Spinning the 1s & 2s - DJCHRISCRUZ! BARRELMAN APPAREL - $2 GOES TO FANHS SYMPOSIUM FOR EVERY T-SHIRT SOLD!!! **DON'T FORGET TO INVITE ALL OF YOUR FRIENDS!**
FANHS Sonoma Chapter launched its new website that has information on its video documentary that was recently shown on PBS, Arcadia book project, new scholarship program and much more: Congratulations!
FANHS PENNSYLVANIA will be hosting photographer Rick Rocamora who recently published a new book of his photographs, FILIPINOS IN WORLD WAR II: AMERICA'S SECOND CLASS VETERANS. Rick will be signing and selling his book in Philadelphia: *June 12th @ the FECGP Philippine Independence Gala (with a slideshow) and on *June 13 @ the FECGP picnic. for exact locations, tickets
Thursday, April 30, 2009
FANHS national news from Seattle

Seattle, April 24, 2009 – ( NPA cyberspace) – Another historical day for FANHS has come on April 22 when Arcadia Publishing via FedEx sent to the National Office preliminary copies of Filipinos in Puget Sound under authorship of Dr. Dorothy Laigo Cordova and the Filipino American National Historical Society. … Now on Friday, May 15, will be its book launching and signing by D.L.C. in the parish hall of the Church of the Immaculate Conception @18th Ave & East Marion Street in Seattle, from 6 to 8 pm...
Congratulations go to Fernando Sacdalan, trustee emeritus and FANHS/Oregon founding past president, for being named the “Community‘s Most Honored Elder” from the Asian Reporter Foundation in Portland.
FANHS/Santa Clara Valley has a new website, thanks to chapter administrator Ron Muriera, The SCV website is and the chapter e-mails are /
*** It’s not quite one year away but creeping up is the FANHS 13th National Conference July 7-9, 2010, at Seattle University in Seattle.
JOIN FANHS in Seattle this week!
*** In the meantime, FANHS/National is spearheading on June 5-6-7, 2009 Pagdiriwang, a civic festival at the Seattle Center sponsored by the Filipino Cultural Heritage Society of Washington with collaboration by BIBAK (Benguet-Ifugao-Bontoc-Apayao-Kalinga) of the Pacific Northwest, assisted by other Igorot members of BIBAK from throughout the U.S. and Canada to showcase the Igorotte Village to commemorate the centennial of the Bontoc at the 1909 Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition.. …Also in the spotlight is the centennial of the arrival of the Jenkins Family to become the First Filipino American Family in Seattle; and the 50th anniversary of the founding of the renowned Filipino Youth Activities Drill Team.
FANHS at national Association of Asian American Studies (AAAS) conference in Honolulu, 2009

Also making history at AAAS is Dr. Rick Bonus of the University of Washington, who serves as the current National President of AAAS. While Dr. Theo Gonzalves of the University of Hawai'i (and FANHS 2006 national conference program co-chair) served as National President of AAAS in 1998 (for 45 minutes before the remainder of the AAAS board resigned -- a story we still have to fully document) Dr. Rick Bonus is the first Filipino to be elected president of AAAS.
Monday, April 20, 2009
FANHS San Diego hosts successful event at Miramar College, 18 April 2009
Guest speakers with members of Filameda at Miramar College in San Diego. Many thanks to Dr. Judy Patacsil, FANHS Trustee, who organized the event.
Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) San Diego Chaper & Miramar College Diversity & International Education Committee co-sponsored the event, "Filipino Americans:
History & Scholarly Perspectives," at Miramar College on April 18, 2009. The audience of more than 70 included students and faculty from local colleges and universities as well as members of Filameda -- Filipino American Educators of San Diego.
Professor Judy Patacsil, Coordinator of International Education at Miramar College, introduced guest speakers and FANHS Trustees Dr. Joan May T. Cordova (Drexel University, Philadelphia) and Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao (University of Hawai'i) who co-presented a paper they'd collaboratively written with Dr. Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales (San Francisco State University), "A Critical Review of K-12 Filipina/o American Curriculum." All three professors had recently presented this paper at the American Educational Research Association's national conference in San Diego
Patricia then introduced the audience to the Smithsonian on-line curriculum developed by a team she directed. To close the event, Joanie presented a short version of the hour-long interactive presentation, "Filipinos in the Fields: Conflicts, Coalitions, and Connections," she developed for an April 13th event at UC San Diego's Cross Cultural Center. While reviewing examples of Filipino organizing (Hawai'i, Yakima Valley (WA), Stockton, and Delano), Joanie also noted that we now celebrate the 60th anniversary of the successful Filipino Agricultural Laborers Association's (FALA) asparagus strike of 1939. Besides citing both scholarly research as well as primary sources from the FANHS national archives and Filipino Oral History Project, Inc, Joanie also thanked Dr. Dawn Mabalon for sharing groundbreaking research from her forthcoming book, and Debra P. Louie and Dillon Delvo who sent audio files of Larry Itliong's lecture to the Filipino American Experiences class taught by Debra Panganiban and Evelyn Casuga in 1976.
Many thanks, too, to FANHS National Secretary Ron Buenaventura for his hospitality in San Diego, even if he missed this event because of family commitments.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Teresa Romero Jamero
Terri died this morning after a second complicated operation in Doctors’ Hospital in Modesto near her home at Atwater, Calif.
The “conscience of FANHS,” Terri served for two terms as National President from 1990 to 1994. Among her presidential highlights was directing the Fifth National Conference in San Francisco in 1994.
A FANHS CHARTER member, she first served in the President’s Cabinet (1984-85), as national treasurer (1984-1988), national vice president (1988-1990), then as the third national president, and as trustee from 1986 to 2001. She was a lifetime FANHS national member.
She remains a national president emerita and among trustee emeriti.
Prayers and condolences to Pete and their family.
Terri and her surviving husband, Peter Madelo Jamero, lived in Atwater, CA.
Terri, who with her family, had lived in Seattle for some 17 years, was a long-time moderator of the Filipino Youth Activities and served as 1984-85 president of the FYA Board of Directors.
Before and after her Seattle years, Terri was very active nationally and locally in Filipino American and Asian/Pacific American affairs.
HUSBAND, SOCIAL service executive, author and a personality in his own right, Peter, was a FANHS founding national vice president.
Six grown children and 15 grandchildren are the other immediate survivors, plus a host of Romero and Jamero relatives.
Monday, April 6, 2009
FANHS launches fundraising campaign
Please click on the small box in the right corner of the image to view the letter in "full screen." You may also click on the link. Please email me if you have additional questions.
Fundraising 03 09
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
FANHS Chapter news
UPDATE: Students organized a highly successful FIND conference at Drexel University. CONGRATS to all!! Here are photos from the 28 March 09 event:
Throughout FIND’s history, many FANHS (Filipino American National Historical Society) leaders have supported FIND as speakers and donors. Dr. Fred Cordova, Dr. Dorothy Fujita-Rony, Oscar Penaranda, Peter Bacho, Dr. Dawn Mabalon, Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao, Timoteo Cordova and others have all been speakers and workshop leaders at FIND since the early 1990s. Generations of FANHS youth -- including many students of FANHS Trustee Ray Obispo -- have also served as FIND organizers and leaders. This year, FANHS leaders speaking at FIND include Professor Emily Lawsin of FANHS Michigan Chapter (opening keynote plenary session), Dr. Allan Bergano FANHS Hampton Roads Founding President (closing keynote plenary session), and workshop leaders FANHS Hampton Roads President Veronica Salcedo, former FANHS Trustee Brad Baldia, Gem Daus who gave a workshop at the FANHS national conference in Anchorage, and Dr. Joan May Cordova, FANHS National President. CHEERS and many thanks to all the students who worked so hard to create this conference! Roberto Jamora, UVA senior who worked with FIND's program committee, has been a young FANHS leader since 8th grade. Special thanks :-)
Filipino American National Historical Society-Wisconsin Chapter
On March 21, 2009, the Filipino American National Historical Society(FANHS)-Wisconsin Chapter honored Wisconsin's
Outstanding Young Professionals and Distinguished Community Service Awards, at Marriott Milwaukee West, in Waukesha, Wisconsin.
FANHS Midwest Chapter
Biennial regional conference at Ohio State University on October 16 or 17, 2009
FANHS San Diego Chapter presents "Filipino Americans: History & Scholarly Perspectives," with featured speakers, Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao, FANHS National Trustee and Dr. Joan May T. Cordova
April 18, 2009 - Miramar College 10440 Black Mountain Road San Diego, CA 92126 Room I-101
Please also note this event at the University of California, San Diego:
Monday, April 13
Dr. Joan May Cordova: "Filipinos in the Fields — Conflicts and Coalitions"
Noon – 1:30 p.m., Cross-Cultural Center (map)
Info: Contact,1162,15949,00.html
FANHS Stockton Chapter
Annual Golf & Picnic Fundraiser for the FANHS National Museum - May 9, 2009
FANHS Hampton Roads Chapter
July 1 – 5, 2009 Summer Symposium, “Sigue: Our Moment is Now”
Virginia Wesleyan College in Virginia Beach, Virginia
FANHS Rio Grande Chapter
Biennial Pamana Awards - August 8, 2009
FANHS Central Coast Chapter Annual community picnic - April 25, 2009
Also working with UC Merced and Davis students.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Thelma Buchholdt, 3-term FANHS National President, named to Alaska's Hall of Fame
Titania Buchholdt, daughter of Jon and the late Thelma Buchholdt, recently wrote:
"This bit of news was mentioned to me this evening by Mariecris Gatlabayan, who is the archivist working on Mom's papers. Mom was named to be in the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame!
Thelma Buchholdt is one of 50 women (the inaugural group) to be inducted into the Alaska Women's Hall of Fame this Saturday, March 6, 2009 (6:30 pm, at the BP Center on East Benson Blvd). The list of women to be inducted includes many of Mom's friends and associates. Here's the website: "
This month, the Asian Journal published another story about Thelma.
The article opens by stating:
"The life of Thelma Garcia Buchholdt was one full of “firsts”:
The first Asian American elected to the Alaska State Legislature (1974)
The first female Filipino American elected to a legislature in the United States (1974)
The founder of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Alaska (1966)
The first female to be elected President of the Filipino Community of Anchorage, Inc. (1973)
The first Asian American elected to serve as President of the National Order of Women Legislators (1980)
Founder of the Asian Alaskan Cultural Center, the first cross-cultural center of its kind in Alaska (1980)
THELMA Garcia Buchholdt was a Filipino American community activist, politician, teacher, lawyer, historian, public speaker, and author. She was elected to the Alaska House of Representatives for four consecutive terms, from 1974 through 1982. She was the author of the book Filipinos in Alaska: 1788-1958 which is now in its third printing ... "
If you'd like to purchase a copy of Filipinos in Alaska: 1788-1958, please contact us at FANHS.
FANHS Trustees and many others deeply appreciate Thelma's work and are honored to have worked with her. In 2005, I wrote this note to Thelma (photographed on her website here):
"So many of us Trustees agree that you inspire us with all you do and are. After your Chapter report, we said, "WOW." I've learned so much from working with you and look forward to expanding the work of FANHS. Many thanks, too, to Jon for supporting our work. Cheers to more fun and work together!"
I took this photo of Thelma at a dinner with FANHS Trustees at Sang Kee Restaurant in Philadelphia in June of 2007. We didn't know that our Philadelphia meeting of national FANHS Trustees, a book signing, and this dinner would be Thelma's last FANHS events before her death in November, 2007.
Life is short. I hope that we make the most of every opportunity.
While Thelma and other community pioneers are missed, their histories and spirits inspire us to continue the work of FANHS while building our communities and working for social justice -- the way so many before us have done.
Please be in touch.
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova, FANHS National President,
Thursday, February 26, 2009
FANHS congratulates University of Maryland, College Park: Filipino American Studies and new scholarships
During the second Filipino American Studies Gala on February 21, 2009 at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Filipino Cultural Association -- together with many supportive community members and organizations -- launched the Philip Vera Cruz Scholarship and the Major General (Ret.) Antonio Taguba Profiles in Courage and Leadership Scholarship at UMCP. Guest speakers included General Taguba, Kris Valderrama of the Maryland House of Delegates, and Professor Jeff Cabusao of Bryant University in Rhode Island.
FANHS PA President Kim Barroso, Vice President Cathy Madeja and I traveled to UMCP to continue to show support for Filipino American Studies and the inspiring work being done by FANHS friends in the Washington, DC area. In a letter of thanks to the Filipino Cultural Association and all those involved in the event, I wrote:
"I was most impressed by the way organizations and individuals pulled together to host a wonderful gala, create scholarships, and do the pioneering work of creating Filipino American Studies at UMCP. You're all making history on the East Coast! Big props to everyone :-)
You'll find photos on this link: "
We hope that there will be a Washington, DC Chapter of FANHS one day soon.
Congrats to all!!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
FANHS is 100% volunteer work
A press release notes: "The YMCA's recognition of Ms. Buell highlights her work as an advocate for social justice and humanity, consistent with the timeless teachings of Dr. King, whose legacy is celebrated by the YMCA annually through a series of community based events."
Vangie Buell, granddaughter of a Buffalo Soldier is an award winning writer, musician, and lifelong community activist for social justice. When she gave a talk to hundreds of students at the University of California, Santa Cruz last fall, every single student bought her book, Twenty Five Chickens and a Pig for a Bride! One of the founders of FANHS East Bay Chapter, she is a mentor and dear friend of many in FANHS and our larger communities. Congratulations, Vangie!
FANHS Hampton Roads Chapter Hosts Pre-Inaugural Teach In
Dr. Allan Bergano, Founding President of FANHS Hampton Roads Chapter, wrote:
"Validating the American Dream" Barack Obama's Inauguration seeks clarity. For some, it marks the end of the American dream…for others, the beginning. This national panel discussion will stimulate thought through a lively discussion to give the inauguration proper historical context within the Filipino American experience….Speakers:Allan L. Bergano, FANHS-Hampton Roads; Wilma Consul, Journalist/Theater Artist; Gem Daus, University of Maryland-Filipino American Studies; Joan Javier, Political/Progressive Activist; Dexter Ligot Gordon, Filipinos for Obama; Joe Montano, Democratic National Committee; Ray Obispo, Filipino American Cultural Society
Dr. Allan and Edwina Bergano worked with regional FANHS members Joe Montano and Jian Zapata (former FANHS students :-) to set up the January 17, 2009 event at George Mason University in Arlington, VA. Among those in attendance were FANHS HR President Veronica Salcedo, and others who had participated in FANHS Hampton Roads or FACS student events through the decades such as Jojo Maralit, Mike Reyes, Alex Cena, and Roberto Jamora. Veronica Salcedo, who first attended FANHS at age 13 and is now a high school teacher, said: "Just being there with people who have all worked in our community was a great feeling...What I love about this type of discussion is that we talk honestly and respectfully. We identified problems we faced as community organizers. We proposed solutions so that future generations can take leadership roles in government, education, media, and the arts." Allan expressed the spirit of the teach in to those who could not be there: "Remember all the FANHS events we worked on? There were generations of community leaders there -- with heart."
FANHS Sonoma County Chapter's Video Premiere is a Success!
Juanita Tamayo-Lott and Rita Cacas are working on Filipinos in Washington, DC.
And FANHS San Diego Chapter is gathering photos for Filipinos in San Diego, also to be published by Acadia Press. If you'd like to contribute photos, please contact Dr. Judy Patacsil, FANHS Trustee & San Diego Chapter President.
These new books join the many other publications created by FANHS East Bay, Stockton, Vallejo, Los Angeles, Midwest, Michigan, and Hampton Roads Chapters. Just contact FANHS for more info.
Big congrats and many thanks to @FANHShtx for hosting a #FANHStastic 20th biennial @fanhs_national conference #fanhs2024!
Please see more via all @fanhs_national @FANHShtx + social media accounts for #FANHSChapters as well as hashtags #fanhs2024 See more pic...

Just search the hashtags and social media handles (of ALL the FANHS Chapters) to learn more about how @FANHS_national's #FilipinoAmerica...
As a non-profit organization run 100% by volunteers - including the FANHS Executive Director and FANHS national archivist - the Filipino Ame...
We're excited that Filipino American Studies is growing on the East Coast! At the 12th biennial conference of FANHS in Anchorage, Alaska...