Please save the date and join us - October 17, 2008 - for the FANHS Pennsylvania Chapter's Banquet for Filipino American History Month, to be held at 6 pm at the H.K. Golden Phoenix Restaurant @ 911-913 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Tickets are $35 each. To purchase tickets, contact: FANHS or call Kim Barroso, FANHS PA President, 713.501.3463 or Brad Baldia, FANHS National Trustee, 215.715.3046. Others involved in the planning committee are Marife Domingo / Cathy Madeja / George Gesmundo /
The FANHS PA Banquet's featured speaker is:
JUANITA TAMAYO LOTT, nationally known as a pioneer in the field of Filipino American and Asian American Studies, was one of the students who developed the rationale and curriculum for the first Asian American Studies Program in the United State at San Fancisco State in spring 1969. She was founding chair of the Pilipino Studies Planning Group and special assistant to the first Dean of the School of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State in 1970. After graduating cum laude, she was awarded a Ph.D fellowship in the social sciences, specializing in sociology and demography at the University of Chicago.
From the Midwest, Juanita moved to the Washington, D.C. area. Since 1973 her community and professional work has been primarily at the national level as a manager or analyst ensuring statistical and demographic perspectives in public policies. Juanita began her career at the National Center of Education Statistics analyzing data on Title 1 students. She then led the Asian American Affairs Office at
DHEW during the fall of Vietnam with entry of refugees; ensuring Asian Pacific Islander representation in the planning and conduct of the 1980 Census; and chairing the 1975 working group of the Federal Interagency Committteee on Education that developed the racial and ethnic categories for the the federal statistical system. She was the first Asian American division director at the US Commission on Civil
Rights, 1980-82; first Asian American research associate at the Committee on National Statistics, National Academy of Sciences 1993-94, and first Filipino American section officer, American Statistical Association, 2005-06. In 1997 she joined the US. Census Bureau as special assistant to the Director in preparation for the 2000 Census and subsequently directed the 2010 Census Planning Unit. Her current work is on competitve human capital in a 21st century global eonomy, focusing on the role of civil servants.
Pioneering Federal projects directed by Juanita resulted in various publications including the classic 1976 Asian American Data Reference Directory and the 1977 Asian American Field Survey (DHEW); 1981 Child Care and Equal Opportunity for Women and 1982 The Federal Response to Domestic Violence (USCCR). Her professional publications include: Common Destiny: Filipino American Generations, 2006; "Population Shifts and Demographic Methods," with C. Matthew Snipp, American Statistical Association/international Joint Statistical Meetings Proceedings, 2003," Asian
Americans: From Racial Category to Multiple Identities, 1998, and the Asian American Almanac, 1995. Her latest manuscript is on racial, ethnic, and gender bias in education statistics for the 2008 International Encyclopedia of Education.
Juanita is a recipient of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association of Asian American Studies . She currently serves on the President's Council of the Population Reference Bureau and is an advisor for Filipino American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park.
Founded in 1982, the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) documents and promotes Filipino American history through its archives, conferences, books, programs, films, art, and more. This blog is linked to and curated by Dr. JoanMay T. Cordova, FANHS National President Emerita 2007-2011. * See also @fanhs_national on Twitter and Instagram plus other FANHS Chapters' IG accounts and pages on Facebook * With love @ForCommunities, ~Joanie
Monday, August 25, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
Legacies of Ethnic Studies since 1969
This picture truly reflects the legacies and diversity -- both intergenerational and regional -- of FANHS. It's from the July 4 panel, "Inspiration, Influence, and Intrigue: the Long Reach and Hidden Impacts of Filipino American Studies since 1969," at the 12th Biennial National Conference of the Filipino American National Historical Society (FANHS) in Anchorage, Alaska. Organized by Juanita Tamayo Lott, the panel included presentations by founders of Ethnic Studies -- Daniel Phillip Gonzales, Asian American Studies, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University and Juanita Tamayo Lott, Senior Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC -- as well as a presentation by Gem Daus, the instructor of one of the newest Filipino American Studies courses at the University of Maryland, College Park.
After the inspiring presentations and lively discussion, generations of Filipino American studies instructors and students from throughout the USA posed for this historic photograph. Included are a number of leaders of Pin@y Educational Partnerships (PEP) of San Francisco State University who presented both their own workshop as well as a highly engaging plenary session at FANHS.
Pictured from left to right, row 1, seated:
Daniel Phillip Gonzales, Asian American Studies, College of Ethnic Studies, San Francisco State University,
Dr. Joan May T. Cordova, FANHS National President & Drexel University (Philadelphia, PA) professor,
Oscar Penaranda, FANHS Trustee & founding FANHS San Francisco President, pioneering poet/writer, former SF State instructor, and high school teacher,
Juanita Tamayo Lott , Senior Statistician, U.S. Census Bureau, Washington, DC,
Dr. N. Judy Patacsil, FANHS San Diego & Trustee, Miramar Community College professor
Rodel Rodis, Attorney & Board Member, San Francisco Community Colleges,
Dr. Allan Bergano, FANHS Founding President – Hampton Roads Chapter, Virginia & Managing Editor of two intergenerational oral history publications, "In Our Aunties' Words: The Filipino Spirit of Hampton Roads" & "In Our Uncles' Words: We Fought for Freedom"
Row 2, left to right, standing:
Veronica Baybay Salcedo, FANHS Hampton Roads Chapter President, Teacher, Bayside High School, VA Beach,
Dr. Marie-Therese Sulit, Mount Saint Mary College, NY, professor,
Rebecca Baroma, Los Angeles,
Annaliza Torres, FANHS Seattle,
Emily P. Lawsin, FANHS Trustee & University of Michigan professor,
Arlene Daus-Magbual, San Francisco State University, PEP Associate Director of Program Development,
Dr. Allyson Tintiangco-Cubales, Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University professor & Director of PEP
Eunice Mae Lee, PEP Longfellow Coordinator and Teacher,
Dr. Linda Revilla, FANHS Sacramento & National Trustee, California State University, Sacramento professor
Dr. Patricia Espiritu Halagao, FANHS Trustee & University of Hawai'i, Manoa, professor.
Francisco Sibal, of Phoenix Publishing, publishers of Pin@y Educational Partnerships [PEP] curriculum
FANHS Alaska representative
Row 3, left to right, standing:
Gem Daus, Filipino American Studies, University of Maryland, College Park,
Maria Paz G. Esguerra, PhD candidate, University of Michigan,
Nicollette Magsambol, San Francisco State University, PEP Longfellow Elementary School Coordinator
Joan Vitorelo, Community College of San Francisco Administrator
Jocyl Sacramento, M.A. student, San Francisco State University, PEP Burton High School Curriculum Coordinator
Roderick Daus-Magbual, Ed.D student, University of San Francisco, PEP Associate Director of Curriculum Development
Ryan Leano, PEP Community College of San Francisco Teacher,
FANHS Alaska representative
Missing from photo: Dr. Dawn Boholano Mabalon, FANHS Trustee & San Francisco State University professor (who taught the first ever Filipino American history course at Stanford University). Attending another workshop was FANHS Hampton Roads high school teacher Ray Obispo, FANHS Trustee & Adviser to Salem High School's Filipino American Cultural Society (FACS), whose dramatic representations of Filipino American history have been nationally recognized for more than a decade.
For more information, photos, and videos, please also see the FANHS group site on Facebook.
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